5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Change The Way We See SEO

Both SEO and AI are not new concepts to us.

Where AI is used to streamline and enhance the business processes, SEO is used to improve the outreach of the business.

Before we dive in and explore the importance of AI in SEO, let’s understand both of these terms separately.

SEO or search engine optimization is a method of optimizing your search engine ranking. In the simplest form, whenever a user searches for services or product similar to yours, SEO gets you on the first page of the query.

Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, makes machines intelligent. Remember, Tony Stark and all his virtual assistants. Well, not exactly that but all these are simulations of AI. We use it in simpler forms in daily life such as in analytics, chatbots, etc.

Now, let’s see how AI can empower the SEO of your website.

Reduced Black Hat Techniques

We all know about keyword stuffing. The content with keyword stuffing doesn’t offer any value to users. It simply ends up wasting time and users won’t even buy from you due to weird content structure.

AI makes this concept obsolete. With the help of NLP, AI helps the search engine to understand which content is more likely to provide value to users. This helps in removing black hat SEO-enabled content from front pages.

Moreover, irrelevant links contribute to another black hat SEO technique. AI can detect these irrelevant pages and help search engines remove them.

Real-Time Data

If you have chatbots on your webpage, you can improve your SEO. When you offer enhanced customer service to your users instantly, at any time, your ranking automatically goes up. AI-enabled chatbots are smart as they have the ability to learn from past experiences which improve your productivity and customer experience.

Apart from this, real-time data can provide you information related to the relevant keywords and market requirements. With AI, you can analyze what type of content your users are looking for.

AI for Pictures and Videos

Search engines are now more aware of multimedia than ever. AI can help you adapt to these changes for better search engine ranking.

  • Decreasing the file size.
  • Including relevant tags in the images.
  • Including meta-description which is rich in keywords.
  • Including relevant, high-quality images.

AI can automate many of these tasks such as using relevant tags for the images.

Enhance User Experience

The basic objective of search engines like Google is to provide valuable content to users. It is irritating when you search for something and an entirely different topic comes up. This reduces the experience of users and you eventually end up losing your brand value.

With AI, you can provide the content that will help your users solve their problem.

Understanding Customers

AI provides analytics and reporting, which helps you understand your users. This means that you understand the problems of your users, what unique propositions they need, and what type of information they are looking forward to.

All this information allows your team to generate content and multimedia in a manner to enhance the readability of the information delivered. This ultimately increases your search engine reputation because Google wants to deliver value to its users, not keywords.

Future of SEO with AI

In the future, AI and ML will shape SEO and other digital marketing efforts. Everything will become highly meaningful and it will become easier for businesses to provide valuable and useful services to their users.

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