Does a career in Augmented/Virtual Reality or Artificial Intelligence interest you? Read this

A ubiquitous thing you keep hearing from people these days is that ‘the future is automation’. And indeed, the future belongs to technology, whether it’s virtual reality (VR), augmented reality or artificial intelligence. In 2016, when the game Pokemon Go was launched, everyone got a taste of it. The game was rated more addictive than Whatsapp and Tinder for some. Snapchat, on the other hand, has integrated AR in our daily lives to such an extent that we almost forget about the existence of this technology.

Now is a perfect time to acquire training and certifications in these technologies because there is a massive increase in demand for these qualified professionals, irrespective of the industry background. Many universities like Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Southern California (USC) etc. have started degrees in these fields. Other than academic institutions a lot of public and private organizations also provide short-term, self-paced, instructor-led courses like Global Tech Council.

Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. On the other hand, Virtual Reality is essentially the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. This environment puts the user inside an experience. For example, the users are completely immersed in it and can interact with the 3D world instead of just viewing a screen in front of them.

If you are sure about your field of study you can consider signing up for the course on Global Tech Council because they don’t need you to have any prior technical knowledge. It’s a step by step process, and with each session, you’ll learn more. By the end of these courses, you would know the basics of developing applications using augmented and virtual reality. Hence, it does not matter what your background is, your takeaway would be to design striking visual experiences thus enhancing your job prospects.

From Google, Facebook, Snapchat to NVIDIA and HTC, these are some of the top employers for this field. There are multiple job profiles available like Web Developer, Unity Developer, Software Engineer, VR Game designers, Oculus developers, VR/AR programmers etc.

Artificial Intelligence

If you’re new to Artificial Intelligence, then you must be wondering what exactly it is? Artificial Intelligence or AI for short is merely the intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. In simpler words, it’s the technology that mimics human learning and response through the data fed to it.

Basic mathematics and computing skills are required for you to begin a career in AI. At Global Tech Council we offer basic to advance courses on AI to kickstart your journey. Since AI is a dynamic field which is still evolving, the job prospects are also growing with each day. But there is a certain level of deficiency in skilled professionals here too.

Popular players of the industry like IBM, Amazon, Microsoft, and Accenture have already picked up artificial intelligence and are trying to implement it on a large scale to drive innovation. Various career prospects are available to those with AI knowledge and skills, like Machine learning researcher, AI engineer, Data mining and analyst, data scientist, business intelligence developer etc.

Since these intelligent fields are rapidly changing, you need to equip yourself with the latest skills and stay up to date. For those in college, taking degrees is easier whereas working professionals prefer certificates and short-term courses to get a quick grasp of concepts. Either way, one thing is clear that is the shortage of trained professionals in AR, VR and AI. The smartest decision would be to start now!

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