How Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping Education?

Have you ever wondered what education would be like with artificial intelligence?

A world where artificial intelligence is all around us, how can education industry stay behind.

First, let’s understand what exactly is artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is a field of technology in which a machine is trained to execute some functions over time. This machine improves its working with data and other factors as time passes. Just like humans. We learn from our mistakes and know how to execute things in a better manner. Similarly, artificial intelligence enables machines to do the same.

Undoubtedly, machine learning has the capability of transforming all the tasks we do on a daily basis – including education. Let’s see how it is achieved:

1. Performance Track

School authorities and the education system are regularly expected to keep a track of the grades, performance, and downfalls of students. This is necessary to ensure that they are delivering the right education so that every student thrives. But, needless to say, manually processing all this is a tedious task for every student even in a single education institute.

That is where AI helps by maintaining a record of everything and streamlining every process of the school. Teachers can, in fact, see the change in performance pattern to suggest the right teaching style, books, or method to students.

2. Enhanced Teaching

Students of different background and classes require different training and teaching method. For instance, considering the Indian education system, a student of a middle school in 8th class may not require the same level of training as a board student of 12th class. AI along with machine learning can help educators prioritize this difference and find varied methods of teaching for different types of students. These algorithms can assist in analyzing where more focus is required.

3. Personalized Training

Naturally, there is a huge set of data and information available for every subject in a school. But, using AI, the institute can compile the important aspects of this study material to offer better material to students. This material can be referred for every topic included in the course, which is necessary for complete understanding of the student. The technology simply helps in removing the noise from the textbooks so that students can focus on what is important for overall growth and learning.

4. Insightful Teaching

Traditionally, school sessions are rather boring, non-fun, and non-intuitive, which is also the reason interests in school is less for some people. However, AI has the power to figure out the right, intuitive method of learning that educators can execute. This would be based on the subject, its necessary aspects, and the students of a particular education institute. Utilizing this, teaching sessions can be made fun and interests in studies and education can be improved.

5. Enhanced Grading

Grading is essential to know the performance of every child in comparison to each other. It becomes more important to help the student analyze where he or she needs to work on. But, unfortunately, this task is extremely hectic. It often ends up draining all the energy of the teachers at the time of exams. In fact, humans grading papers is also impacted by environmental and emotional factors. This knowingly or unknowingly introduces bias. With AI, the full task can be automated, executed effectively in an unbiased manner.

Peeking into The Future

It is necessary to note that despite the power of AI to transform education, it is not possible to eliminate the existence of classroom learning altogether. AI should be rather used to assist educators to enhance classroom learning. It can be thought of as an assistant to the teacher, which helps in streamlining processes and increasing the efficiency of the whole educational system.

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