How To Develop Chatbot With The Help Of AI?

The power of chatbots is not unknown to the business world. In fact, it is not unknown to anyone who uses the internet. When you go on Facebook, you encounter chatbots all the time such as the one created by Uber. You order food from Swiggy and a chatbot is there to help you with the order status. Every app that wants to ensure customer experience, uses chatbots.

However, the difference is made by the intelligence of the chatbot. When technology imparts a human touch to chatbots, these technological advancements lead to better conversations and enhanced user assistance.

In this article, we will discuss how you can develop smart chatbots.

Chatbot Should Know What Users Want

Understand this with an example:

You are starving so you ordered food from an app. You have accidentally clicked on cash on delivery but you don’t have enough cash available at the moment. Now, what? You want to change the payment mode and clear the payment online. You contact the chat support and a chatbot greets you. From this chatbot, you asked, “How can I change payment mode?”

The chatbot should have the language processing abilities to understand what you are trying to ask. Then only, this piece of technology would be able to provide an answer. Intelligent chatbots are often self-learning. They pick instances and remember the responses to perform better in the future.

Chatbot Should Be Intelligent

If you look at it, then the key motive behind making chatbots intelligent is to provide the ability to learn. This trait can be offered to the chatbot with the help of machine learning algorithms, deep learning, and neural networks. All these technologies together help the chatbot to recognize what the user is trying to ask, assess the pattern of chat, and respond in the appropriate manner.

Chatbot Should Meet User Requirements

Fulfilling user requirements is not as easy as it sounds. We usually take one user request as an example. Now, add 100 more users to the system. When even 10 percent of these users come together to chat with the chatbot, how will it manage the conversations?

Every user’s requirements have to be understood, processed, and then, answered. Many times, the chat needs to be transferred to an executive. The chatbot should have the ability to make this decision and accordingly schedule the chat to the relevant agent.

Determining Intelligence Of Chatbots

Every AI-powered chatbot has to be developed to set a goal and then achieve this goal independently. This is often easier said than done because it is not easy to set up a goal. Hence, experts use the sense, think, and then act method.

Ability To Sense

Sensing the surrounding environment is the basic requirement for giving a solution. If the bot doesn’t understand the environment it is working in, user needs of the environment, and sensitive issues, it cannot process smoothly.

Ability To Think

Understand this with the example of Siri. If you say to Siri that you want food, it will give you a series of places where you can order food. Don’t believe us? Try it yourself and see how Siri responds.

Chatbots don’t have to become Siri but they need to know how to respond. In its simplest form, the chatbot should know when to hand over the conversation to a human executive for quick, correct resolution.

Quick Response

The top reason chatbots are preferred is that it can respond quickly. Hence, one thing everyone should look out for when developing an AI chatbot is that it should not lag. There is no point of having the chatbot respond to users if the chatbot can’t provide that response on time.

Features of The Chatbot

Adding the intelligence to chatbots depends upon the type of task you want your chatbot to do. Usually, the chatbots are divided into two categories: helper and collector. The helper is one that helps users and collector collects data. Of course, the helper chatbot is more powerful than a collector. It can read user query, help the user to search cars, and order products. It is powered by Natural Language Processing.

The collector chatbot is programmed to respond in a certain manner and they can’t deviate from this nature unless they collect information from customers and then respond in an appropriate manner.

Challenges Involved

  • Sensible responses make and break your reputation. For this, you need to integrate both linguistic and physical context in the chatbot.


  • When some questions are similar, the chatbot should be able to respond appropriately in both situations. Hence, coherence should be maintained at any cost.


  • The response intention matters. Providing generic responses to every question can lead to lost customer interests. The chatbot should be programmed to offer specific responses. That is why we are making it intelligent, isn’t it?



Today, chatbots are inseparable from the internet. There is no way to develop some other intelligent platform or product to overcome the need for chatbots. This technology is definitely here to stay and it has already empowered many businesses. It is time that every organization starts utilizing the power of AI-powered chatbots.

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