How Microsoft And Mastercard Are Going to Improve Cybersecurity Across the Globe?

Currently, identifying yourself in the digital space requires some type of digital and sometimes, even physical verification. As a result, customers have to constantly remember tons of passwords and security PINs. At times, many forget these PINs, passwords, or security codes and resetting these security credentials is another hassle which requires just too much time.

However, with that being said, it is simply impossible for the cyberspace to remove the need for the authenticated transactions. For instance, in India, every credit card transaction made online requires OTP verification and other forms of verification. This is carried out to ensure that the payment details of the customer are safe and can’t be stolen.

Similarly, there are various other identity and information threats looming in the online world. As more and more users are entering the cyberspace, the cyber threats and the need for cybersecurity is increasing with it. But, sadly, most organizations struggle to find skilled cybersecurity professionals. The young generation is averting jobs with social safety issues.

Both Microsoft and Mastercard have started an initiative called Cybersecurity Talent Initiative. Let’s see why this initiative can change the situation of cybersecurity.

Why It Is Necessary?

Various hospitals, banks, and many other industries constantly struggle to find talented cybersecurity professionals. Individuals are becoming reliant towards entering the field. Meanwhile, demand is ever increasing.  There is an urgent need for skilled, experienced, and talented cybersecurity professionals to stop the increasing cyber threats and theft of customers’ data.

How It Can Help?

Both the companies will select talented students from the various fields related to cybersecurity such as IT, engineering, mobile computing, mathematics, and other related graduate courses. These participants will be hired for 2 years at a federal agency. Right before the completion of this placement, these participants will get an opportunity to secure a permanent position at Mastercard, Workday, or Microsoft.

The chosen or selected students will further receive help in the form of up to USD 75,000 loan assistance.


Microsoft together with Mastercard has taken a step forward towards making the cyberspace a safe place to be. People should not stop making transactions online with the fear of getting their information stolen or encountering money theft. With more talented professional onboard to safeguard the cyberspace and become the superheroes of the internet, it would be a lot easier for individuals and the common public to make transactions online.

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