How IOT Is Changing The Way We Travel?

The travel and tourism industry is engulfed with technical innovations with the Internet of things topping the list. This game-changing technology is paving way for a cost-efficient, user-friendly and customer-centric industry. More and more companies are embracing IoT solutions to help users plan an ultimate travel experience.

There have been times when people disregard visiting far away destinations because of travel inconveniences. The plight of choosing long and exhausting flights, places to stay, previous bad experiences with a travel agent, all accounts for people avoiding to travel to different locations. The possibilities are infinite. But, with the ongoing technical revolution, the Internet of things is drastically changing the way people travel. The travel industry is leveraging the Internet of Things in various spheres to increase customer satisfaction. Combining wearables, Wi-Fi connectivity, and voice technology, IoT presents the travel industry with a better reality for connected devices.

The trip starts before you start

Visiting travel agents and flight operators are now a thing of past. With the world going online, right from choosing a destination to booking flights and hotel can be made from the couch. The travel agent already knows your preferences, thanks to the data which is gathered and analyzed via connected devices such as budget, previous trips, shopping list etc.  This helps the agent to find the perfect match with respect to cost, flight convenience, hotel suggestions etc.

Assisting at every step

By leveraging the internet of things, travel agencies are utilizing this technology to maintain personal contact with its customers at every step of their destination. Mobile applications are helping to create a cross-platform relationship with travelers by assisting them. It also helps to gather information about their preferences and behaviors.

Total flight assistance

Right from guiding the path to the airport, check-in counter, flight status, directions to the gate, luggage counter, nearest coffee shop- everything is in the smartphone now. In case of any lost baggage, electronic bag tags instead of paper tags will help to locate the belongings from any device. Not just this, the in-flight experience has drastically improved as well. With sensors embedded in the passenger’s seat, one can determine the heart rate, body temperature, hydration level, anxiety level. This monitoring helps to prevent further mishaps and provides for a seamless travel experience.

Feels at home, even while you travel

IoT enabled hotel applications to provide a customized setting for every guest. Right from setting the room temperature, light heating, TV settings, everything can be controlled remotely. Locking and unlocking rooms can be also be done via smartphones. This helps in hotel maintenance by assessing the needs of its guest in advance. The sensors in the rooms help the management to understand if the room is empty, or if it requires housekeeping etc.  The information gathered by these devices and sensors helps the staff and management to provide the highest level of personalization. Before the guest checks in, the staff can tune into the guest’s favorite channel, bring his favorite drink, this ensuring brand loyalty by the means of internet of things.

Provide an experience like never before

Managing tourist attractions, transportation is a major struggle for populist touristic location. The role of IoT is irreplaceable here- upcoming events in the city, smart navigation, crowd management and a lot more. Connected devices help to find the nearest bus stand, taxi service, routes, locating shopping areas or events. With the broad adoption of the internet of things in smart cities, Artificial intelligence, robotics, connected vehicles are all working in tandem to provide a more optimized, friendly and a less stressful environment.

Technology is indeed the need of the hour for industries across verticals. In the travel industry, it has proved to be a boon for every traveler. The future of mobility is connectivity.

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