Top 20 IoT Interview Questions and Answers in 2020

Did you complete your IoT Certification? Preparing for your IoT job interview? The craze for the Internet of Things (IoT) is on the rise with the widespread adoption and technological advancements. Lots of reputed companies and big firms are on the lookout for hiring talented IoT experts.


Do you believe that you have sufficient IoT knowledge? Whether you’re an internet of things expert or a fresher, this post will surely help you. So, if you want to move ahead in your career, here are the top 20 IoT interview questions and answers in 2020.


IoT Interview Questions and Answers

1. What Do You Understand By IoT?

The full form of IoT is the Internet of Things; it is a network of interconnected devices and applications that share data with each other with the help of the internet. These devices can easily communicate with each other without any human interference, function as a team, and can be controlled remotely.

2. How Do You Think IoT Will Change Our Lives?

When objects get connected with each other, the data they capture and share will help in automating tasks and make our lives simpler. It will reduce the human-machine interaction.


For example, when you reach the office and log in to your system, it will send a message to the coffee machine to pour your coffee (just the way you like it). Thus, IoT helps in automating tasks and saving our time.

3. Can You Give Some Real-Life Examples of IoT?

Whether we realize it or not, IoT is present all around us. Our lifestyle has changed. We’re saving a lot of time and energy and making smarter decisions.


For instance, if you have a smart alarm clock, it could tell your geyser to heat the water as soon as you’re awake. 

4. What Are The Benefits Of IoT?

The IoT is a significant part of our daily lives and has hugely benefited everyone, which is involved around the technology. There are several benefits of IoT like:


  • Conservation of Resources – There is a shortage of resources like petrol, electricity, water, pure air, and the like many major cities. As IoT helps cities become smarter, the administration can use the data to come up with effective measures to solve the current problems.


  • Connectivity – Gone are the days when every gadget required manual operating methods. With IoT, your smartphone can become the remote control of everything in your home, including your refrigerator, TV, AC, car, lights, fans, and the like.



  • Reduction in human errors – IoT, when combined with AI, can help reduce human errors while doing monotonous tasks. A human gets distracted easily, but an intelligent machine does not have any emotions and can perform its tasks.



  • Personalization – Companies have started focusing on providing a personalized experience to their customers instead of bombarding them with irrelevant products/services. The same can be done with the use of IoT. As IoT devices gather more and more data, this data can be used to know about the customer’s likes and dislikes to offer personalized services.



  • Time-Saving – Smart speakers like Google’s Home or Amazon’s Alexa can save a lot of time by answering all your queries quickly. It will save you the time and effort to pick up your phone, do a google search, and find the relevant information.


5. Do You Think IoT Will Cut Jobs?

IoT will have a negative impact on the jobs that require human-machine interaction because of which many people will lose their jobs. That being said, IoT will create new opportunities for skilled professionals who have knowledge of IoT. I see it as a chance to grow and learn new things.

6. Will IoT Benefit the Healthcare Industry?

IoT can directly impact the healthcare field, in both fitness tracking and treatment. A person who needs medical help can be better monitored (even if he is not admitted at the hospital) with the help of wearable, injectable, and non-wearable devices. For example, wearable devices for pregnant ladies can send the data to their doctors regularly and alert them in real-time in case of any abnormal activity.

7. What Are the Main Components of IoT?

  • Smart Devices – Devices with sensors that collect and store data.



  • Connectivity – Collected data is stored on the cloud, but it also needs to be transmitted. Sensors use means like WiFi, Bluetooth, or even mobile networks to send data.



  • Data Processing – The transferred data needs to be analyzed and processed.



  • User Interface – The users can also check the logged data through a User Interface.


8. Is 4G Enough To Support IoT?

IoT is booming, and 4G will not be able to support its growth. As IoT scales up, there will be a rapid push towards the release of 5G. 5G is believed to be 100 times faster than 4G and will handle IoT efficiently.

9. IoT Devices Require Electricity to Function, Wouldn’t it Need a Lot of Energy as There Will be Billions of Interconnected Devices?

IoT aims at building a network of billions of devices that are interconnected and can transfer information. Such a massive number of devices means that a lot of energy is required for them to function. Artificial intelligence experts believe that developed countries like the USA produce enough energy to properly implement IoT while underdeveloped or developing countries might face problems to provide the required amount of energy.

10. What is an Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source platform used for electronics projects. There are two main components:


  • Microcontroller – A programmable physical circuit



  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) – A software that is used to write and upload code to the microcontroller and runs on your computer.


11. Are sensors and IoT Devices Different?

Yes, sensors are embedded in IoT devices to collect data. Sensors can function without IoT devices, but IoT devices cannot function sensors. Also, sensors do not necessarily be connected to the internet, but IoT devices need some of the network connectivity.

12. What is the Difference Between IoT and M2M?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of interconnected electrical, electronic, software, and other smart devices applications or devices. These devices collect data with the help of sensors and share with each other over a computer network.


M2M or machine-to-machine is the ability of machines to exchange data with the company’s management systems or people. Its basics are inspired by telemetry; M2M is an improved version of the technology.

13. What is The Role of IoT in Smart Cities?

Let’s try to understand this with a similar example. Your home appliances, when connected to the internet, make your home smart. In your home, you may have a smart TV, smart speaker, smart alarm clock, smart AC, smart geyser. All such smart devices make your home smart. For instance, if you turn off your TV at night, it would send a signal to turn on your bedroom AC. It’s as simple as that.


If we talk about IoT in terms of smart cities, there’s no proper definition of it. However, some essential characteristics are intelligent parking lots, use of traffic information to control traffic signals. Another example can be tracking the energy consumption pattern and enhancing it for a better lifestyle.

14. Can IoT Connect Everything Around us?


Yes, IoT has the capability to do so if provided with the right infrastructure. Let’s understand this through a story:


Customer: I’d like to order a pizza. 


Employee: Would you like to order what you generally order?


Customer: How do you know what’s my usual?


Employee: Sir, your phone number is registered with us, and I can see that you ordered a 10-inch margarita with extra cheese 12 times in the last month.


Customer: Well, I’d like to order the same.


Employee: I’d suggest you go for an 8-inch pizza with some veggies.


Customer: And why is that?


Employee: The data from your smartwatch shows that you don’t exercise much, and your blood report says that your cholesterol levels are high.


Customer: I do not want your pizza, and I am going to a desert where there is no internet connection.


Employee: For that, you need to renew your passport as it expired a few days ago.

15. Will the IoT Be Primarily Adopted in the Future?

Yes, as chips are becoming smaller and cheaper, there will be extensive use of chips and devices. Also, broadband internet has become faster and less expensive in the last few years. If the trend continues, nothing can stop the adoption of IoT.

16. What is the Bluetooth Low Energy Protocol?


The Bluetooth Low Energy protocol defines the method that two Bluetooth Low Energy devices will follow to transfer data. It is based on GATT (Generic Attributes). The data is saved in a lookup table, each entry has its ID. The protocol determines the WRITE, NOTIFY, and READ actions for these entries.

17. What’s the Difference Between IIoT and IoT?

IIoT refers to the Industrial Internet of Things, comprising devices that are used in various industries. For example, devices used in a car manufacturing plant. Failure of such devices can cause a considerable loss of life or property.


IoT refers to devices which we use in general. For example, Apple Watch.

18. Which Industry Can Benefit From IoT?

The question should be which industry cannot. Almost every industry can benefit from IoT, including:


  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare 
  • Agriculture
  • Automobile
  • Retail
  • Hospitality
  • Smart cities
  • Finance

19. Does IoT Have any Drawbacks?

Everything in this world has some advantages and drawbacks. Some drawbacks of IoT are:


  • Data Security – With so much data being generated and collected, IoT poses some serious challenges when it comes to data security. If hackers gain access to one device, they’ll get access to a lot of information from other sources too.



  • Compatibility – As most devices are compatible with USBs or Bluetooths, IoT sensors do not have any such standard.



Losing control of your life – As IoT becomes mainstream, these devices will have so much information about your daily routine that if you try to do anything different, they’ll notice it. They’ll also tell you what you should do and what you shouldn’t. You’ll feel like a slave.

20. Is an IoT Certification Beneficial?

An IoT certification is extremely beneficial for professionals looking to change with technological advancements. Such courses teach the learner about networks, electrical and electronic devices, and how to use microcontrollers.


These were some of the most popular IoT interview questions and answers for professionals as well as beginners. Think we missed any point? Please share in the comments below.


Also, please have a look at our Certified Internet of Things (IoT) Developer course if you wish to build AI products or Certified Internet of Things (IoT) Expert course if you want to to become a better IoT sales or marketing professional.


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