How AI And ML Can Help In Transforming Governance?

Don’t we just hate how slow and unsafe governance is? Isn’t it frustrating to realise that most of the times your data is not secure? Isn’t it unsettling to wait in queues to receive a one-liner response to your query?

Artificial intelligence and machine learning can provide a solution for all these things. Here’s how:

Governance includes managing and handling of functions of a state, involving interference and keen monitoring by the government. Artificial intelligence and machine learning now play an important role in identifying challenges and addressing concerns. Some of the compelling examples are identifying tax-evasion, sorting or managing data, and prioritising child welfare cases. These activities help the government improve the efficiency of results and reduce costs.

However, the essential aspect of using both ML and AI is accurate algorithms. These algorithms should be relevant, stable, and effective. Small changes in the environment should not lead to huge changes in the outcomes. Further, public sector entities are required to pay close attention to the implementation of these algorithms. With which, it would not be possible to minimise risks.

Let’s discuss in detail how AI and Ml can transform governance.

1.    Education

In education, AI is specifically used for enhanced decision making, personalised training, and advanced progress monitoring.

  • Through AI, students can make decisions regarding the courses. The same manner in which e-commerce websites analyse data to give recommendations, AI is used in education to recommend university courses to students.



  • Machine learning can scroll through previous years’ data of students to monitor their overall progress. After feeding several sets of data to this algorithm, it is possible to accurately judge the performance of different students and suggest different improvement methods.



  • Many times, different students require different types of learning. AI and Ml both encourage personalised training and learning methods that invoke high interest in students, which automatically improves productivity.



2.    Law

In law, AI and ML are used for predictive analysis, robo cops, monitoring, and patrol cars. While enforcement of AI in law is still in its initial stages, the technology will grow in the coming years.

  • By feeding datasets to the machine learning algorithm, law enforcements can judge and predict future criminal activities. Based on current data and continuous present-data monitoring helps ML algorithms to detect criminal activities sooner than later.



  • Through facial recognition, law authorities can quickly check the criminal record of a person. Whenever a police person detects a criminal, he or she can click a picture, run it through the app, and check the whole criminal history of this person. This helps in rapid decision making.



3.    Defense

In defense, AI is utilized for cyber defense and intelligence. Using technology, defense forces would be able to prevent cyberattacks and track activities.

  • Using AI-enabled cybersecurity systems enable defense forces to track criminal activities online. This also helps in preventing attacks on government systems.



  • Defense forces can use intelligent weapons such as drones and other armed or monitoring weapons.



4.    Functions

There are several other governance functions that are currently using artificial intelligence and machine learning.

  • E-governance portals for citizens to quickly carry out certain activities online without any hassle.



  • Agriculture support for farmers using ML algorithms to decide right soil, type, and time for the crop.



  • ML and AI have an enhanced used in document management which takes a lot of time in government organizations. Automating this activity can greatly reduce the workload.



Additional Advantages

There are some simple and obvious yet valuable advantages of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

  • AI has resolved the issue of resource storage and searching. With AI, it is possible to save relevant records without error. It is also possible to search through these records in minutes. Cognitive technologies have improved searches and storage patterns.



  • AI-powered chatbots are now capable of answering citizen queries. Think of how chatbots help us place an order or resolve an issue. Similarly, in public organizations, chatbots are used to quickly answer queries raised by citizens. When the case turns complex, it is transferred to a human expert.



  • One of the most popular applications of AI and ML is security and the ability to find loopholes. After going through huge amounts of data in minutes, AI can easily detect loopholes and changing patterns in data. This helps in recognizing financial errors and frauds.




Artificial intelligence and machine learning have wide usage in the industry. From tasks as easy as document management to tasks as difficult as cyber monitoring, everything is streamlined using these technologies.

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