Why virtual reality is a game changer?

Today the virtual reality is revolutionalizing almost every aspect of the world around us. Mankind has had a canny relationship with technology. Throughout the history of humankind one invention bigger than the other has been witnessed but nothing like virtual reality.

What is the virtual reality?

Virtual reality gives a highly-immersive experience that feels too real, it involves all sensory inputs. The virtual reality experience is too real that it tricks the mind into thinking what it’s experiencing is the reality.

Virtual reality possesses enormous potential to transform the future beyond our imagination. The applications of Virtual reality are endless.

The virtual reality for therapy

An Atlanta-based company called Virtually Better Inc. has used VR exposure therapy to treat a variety of phobias. Virtually Better has developed programs to address common fears of storms, spiders, heights, and public speaking. With the help of a headset and other sensory stimulations such as sound, temperature, wind, etc, patients are taken into a virtual world to face their phobias. Patients have control over their movements in the virtual world, for example, in case of phobia of spider, the patient can choose to respond in any way and choose their movements, and at every level patient’s level of distress is measured. People can face their fear of heights by walking at the top of a skyscraper or even speaking in front of a large audience. They’ve also developed a module that can assist people dealing with substance abuse to confront common triggers.

Social virtual reality 

A creative concept in VR is called embodiment. Through embodiment, people can associate themselves with a virtual body within the VR environment that they see from a first-person perspective. A person has to wear VR glasses and body sensors; the system records their exact movements as they speak and react. These movements can then be simulated within the VR environment by an animated character, known as an avatar. A person can experience as being himself, even if it doesn’t look like them.

Virtual reality  in learning

Virtual reality aids in learning and make it possible for us to learn complicated things quicker than the traditional methods. For example, Virtual reality makes it possible to study geography and culture by flying to a place in a virtual world and engaging all senses to see, feel, smell and even touch the environment. Advancements in virtual reality has led individuals to learn to drive cars, even airplanes in a simulated environment at a very economical price.

Virtual reality in military

Virtual reality will make tedious tasks much simpler. Virtual reality is proving to be a boon for military applications. Virtual Reality can trick individuals by creating an immersive hostile environment without the risk of real bodily harm. This presents the ability to learn, study and adapt in the created surroundings.  Military-style drills, raids, and invasions can be practiced and perfected with the aid of Virtual reality.

Virtual reality  in Healthcare

Surgeons can perform tedious surgeries from the remote location, or a new breed of surgeons can practice complex surgeries without the risk of death or loss of life that might happen in real-world situations.

In conclusion, virtual reality has just started to unfold a future of immense possibilities. Virtual reality is progressing in a faster mode then we were expecting and will soon become a part of our everyday life rather than a concept of far future only.

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