5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Health Industry

Technological advancements in the field of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are transforming our lives. The world is changing to a better place by various enhancements across multiple industries by Artificial Intelligence. The health sector, in particular, is witnessing enhancements in multiple processes. The health industry is one of the most important sectors for humans as advancements in health industry directly impact the quality of their lives.

Here are five ways AI advancements will positively impact the Health Industry.

1. Digital Consultation

Digital Consultation has been around since some time but has the old technology that website such as WebMD use has severe limitations. They only rely on the list of symptoms to make the diagnosis. Their diagnosis is often not specific. However in AI-based digital consultation the development of “backend” deep learning data enables the systems to make informed decisions about what questions to ask and also advance natural language processing enables the system to understand complicated sentences. AI technology can help answer patient queries and recommend a course of action like making a GP appointment or going to the ER.

2. Radiology And Images

Radiology deals with images from x-rays and ultrasounds, CTs and MRIs. Observing the images and identifying the issues is the key to an accurate diagnosis. With the Computer vision technology, systems can be trained to view x-rays and other scans and apply deep learning to understand what images show. This saves the considerable time of medical practitioners and helps in accurate early diagnosis.

3. Tailored Treatment

A personalized treatment plan is what individuals are looking for today. A tailored plan considering individuals specific family history and specific risk factors and genetics. AI can bring this change as more and more data is collected and analyzed by deep learning models. AI-driven diagnosis is still in its infancy, but some useful applications are being tested. For example, Remdio makes a diagnosis for diabetes by observing photographs of a user’s eye on mobile; this method has already been used successfully.

AI-driven personalized medicine is moving ahead on the track where it can analyze a person’s genetics and determine what treatments are most likely to be successful.

4. Making Medical Devices Smarter

This is the era of smart devices. In the medical environment, intelligent devices can prove to be crucial for monitoring patients in the ICU. Artificial intelligence based smart devices can identify deterioration, or point out the development of complications can significantly improve outcomes and may result in saving lives. It further may reduce costs related to hospital-acquired condition penalties.

5. Robotic Surgery

Surgery is an essential part of the health care industry. Robotic surgery has become a reality today, but there are still areas in this field that can be further enhanced, resulting in better and safer surgeries. Powered by Artificial Intelligence, Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot (STAR) can make stitches even cleaner and more accurate than a human surgeon. The research is going to develop an AI-based system to accurately remove a tumor with less damage to the surrounding tissue.


AI can surely bring massive advancement in the health industry to serve the humans better. This is only the beginning to a brighter future.


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