How Can Artificial Intelligence Be Used in E-Learning?

Artificial Intelligence allows for machines to learn from past experience, adjust to present inputs and perform human-like tasks, with utmost perfection. Research estimates that the artificial intelligence market will grow to a $190 billion industry by 2025. And by 2021, uses of artificial intelligence in education industry will grow by 47.5%. The impact of this technology can be seen right from kindergarten and all the way through higher education, corporate training thereby improving learner’s experience.

Let us see how the power of artificial intelligence can be harnessed in eLearning where the landscape can grow by a drastic level.

Enable Real-Time Questioning

More often than not, students and individuals restrain from clearing their doubts the moment it pops up in their mind. It is factored by the ‘fear of being perceived as a fool or unintelligent’ or the trainer or a teacher is unavailable. Looking up the internet is also a tedious task for them. It is of utmost importance that learners should address their queries or else it will complicate the process even further. Artificial intelligence is the new dawn in the education sector where it can be integrated into eLearning courses where the need to walk up to the trainer or looking up the internet for clarification is eliminated. One can simply ask the AI engine and receive an immediate response to the query. Artificial intelligence has the ability to learn from a huge pool of data if trained properly.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP), by its definition, is a sub-field in Artificial intelligence which is focused on enabling computers to understand and process human languages. In simple terms, it all about talking to AI machines the way talk to humans, in any language an individual prefers. Integrating AI assistants in eLearning courses enables it to answer questions in any preferred language of the user. This will ultimately make the learning process easier, save time and make learning an engaging and efficient process.

Virtual Facilitators And Learning Environment

In time to come, lecturers will soon be replaced by a robot. This might sound scary at first; however, this will be a greater opportunity for students who don’t have access to education due to lack of faculty or teachers in remote corners of the world. A trending technology, “touchless technology” or “gesture recognition technology” allows virtual facilitators to respond and act like humans in a natural way. Smart learning environments and platforms use artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality to create virtual interactions. This will enable an art of ‘carrying education on the go’.

Generate Fresh Content And Content Analytics

Technologists are experimenting with artificial intelligence to create and generate fresh content which will aid in taking away huge load from instructional designers. Content analytics is that part of an artificial intelligence based platform where learning modules are further optimized. Through AI, the content taught to students can be analyzed for the maximum effect which will take care of the needs of learners. This also helps to gain insights into the learning progress through powerful analytics.

Personalized Learning

Providing the same form of content to learners is a very common approach in corporate training. It obviously is a tedious task for a trainer to cater and meet the needs of every learner. However, ‘one fits all’ is not an appropriate approach as individuals have their own style and pace of learning. Implementation of artificial intelligence can assist in tracking past performances of an individual, and by using that data, the current learning material can be altered suiting the need of the individual. AI can also track the learning process and identify areas where a learner lacks proficiency, thereby promoting an advanced learning mechanism.

Artificial intelligence, when utilized in the right way can create wonders in the eLearning landscape. However, it will take some time before it takes over the entire industry. Artificial intelligence is not here to replace humans, but it will act as a support system to human experts. The future is yet to uncover many more innovating and enthralling ways to make the learning process a rich experience.

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