
What is Scala?

In programming, there are tens of thousands of languages that help developers write software. Among these, Scala stands out as a versatile and powerful language. It combines object-oriented and functional…
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What is R

What is R?

What do you call the magic spell that turns raw data into knowledge? It’s called statistical computing. And what powers statical computing? The secret lies behind a programming language, R.…
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What is Ruby?

Summary Ruby, a free and user-friendly language, was developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995 for simplicity and productivity. Its object-oriented nature simplifies code organization, aiding comprehension and reuse. Ruby on…
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What is HTML?


HTML Summary HTML is essential for structuring web pages, utilizing tags and attributes for content organization. HTML5 introduced semantic elements and improved multimedia support. Common uses include structuring content, building…
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What is Swift?

What is Swift?

Summary Swift is Apple’s modern, open-source programming language, known for reliability and efficiency. It’s easy for beginners yet powerful for experts, with features like closures, generics, and safety measures. Swift…
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What is Java?

What is Java?

Summary Java is a programming language designed for broad compatibility and is known for its principle of writing code once and running it anywhere with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).…
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How to Become a Node.js Developer?

How to Become a Node.js Developer?

Summary Node.js is a crucial technology for building scalable web applications. Skills needed include JavaScript proficiency, familiarity with frameworks, front-end knowledge, database management, RESTful APIs, version control, and asynchronous programming.…
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What is Rust?

What is Rust?

Summary Rust is a modern programming language developed at Mozilla Research, focusing on safety, speed, and concurrency without a garbage collector. Its compiler prevents common memory errors, enhancing safety. Rust…
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