Robots Rise Against the Battle of COVID 19

Robots Rise Up In the Battle Against COVID-19

Although human touch is still an essential part of the process, artificial intelligence is also stepping in. The Covid-19 pandemic may have brought the world to a standstill, but there is no stone left unturned by scientists and innovators to support those who are at the frontline of this war. In order to support the long fight against the deadly coronavirus, countries across the globe are looking at all kinds of innovations. 


The robots are replacing several individuals in their employment for better or worse, artificial intelligence experts claim, and the coronavirus outbreak speeds up the process. Covid-19 has shifted user expectations and really opened up new automation opportunities. Large and small businesses are expanding how robots are used to increase social distance and reduce the number of workers who have to reach at work physically. Robots are also employed to fulfill tasks that employees are unable to do at home. Are you interested in knowing how robots are changing the world? Choose from the best ai certifications online and opt for an artificial intelligence certification today!


Table of Contents

  • The Era of Robot Cleaners
  • Assisting with Social Distancing
  • Why’s and Where’s of Using Robots
  • Helping Not Replacing Staff
  • Artificial Intelligence: As True As Humans
  • Final Takeaway


In this article, we see the role of AI, robots, and automation in helping society recover from the pandemic.


The Era of Robot Cleaners


Companies that produce items for cleaning and sanitizing have seen demand soar. Hundreds of its devices were delivered to hospitals in China and Europe by UVD Robot. These computers are also used mostly for supermarkets and restaurants providing takeaways. Experts say that we should expect more use of this technology as more companies reopen-you can see robots cleaning your schools or offices.


Customers today think more about their safety and employees’ safety and health. Moves towards automation will make us all safe, and businesses who do this will be rewarded by consumers. However, limitations still exist. Automated grocery checkouts should decrease human encounters, but because many systems don’t work well or customers quickly break away from them and instead go to human cashiers.


Assisting With Social Distancing


Another field where the use of robotics is expected to increase because of health issues is food service. Fast-food chains have been researching robots as cooks and servers, including McDonald’s. Robots have also been used in warehouses to increase performance, like those run by Amazon and Walmart. The outbreak of Covid-19 has all businesses looking to expand the use of sorting, shipping, and packaging robots.


This could decrease the number of complaints from warehouse workers who, under current circumstances, claim they can not socially separate themselves from their colleagues. But, it will put some of them out of work. If a business has invested in replacing a worker with a robot, it is unlikely that the company will ever rehire that position. Robots are more costly to develop and incorporate into organizations, but robots are generally cheaper than human employees once they are up and running. 


These are only a few of the two dozen ways in which robots were used during the COVID-19 pandemic, from in and out-of-hospital health care, test automation, public safety, and public works service to continued everyday work and life. The lessons they teach for the future are the same lessons learned but easily forgotten in past disasters as awareness and support faded. 


Why’s and Where’s of Using Robots


Robots are used by hospitals, physicians and nurses, family members, and even receptionists to communicate with patients from a safe distance in real-time. Specialized robots clean rooms and supply meals or medications, performing the additional secret work associated with a patient surge. Delivery robots deliver contagious samples to research laboratories.


Outside hospitals, departments of public works, and public safety use robots to spray disinfectant in public spaces. To help identify contaminated people and impose quarantines and social distance limits, drones provide thermal imagery. Robots also roll through crowds, broadcast announcements about the virus, and social isolation from the public service.


Robots aid in unexpected ways at work and at home. Teleoperated robots are realtors to illustrate properties from the comfort of their own homes. Staff building a new hospital in China were able to operate overnight because lights were carried by drones. Students in Japan used robots to walk the stage for graduation, and in Cyprus, without breaching stay-at-home restrictions, an individual used a drone to walk his dog.


Helping Not Replacing Staff


One important lesson is that robots should not replace individuals during a catastrophe. They either perform tasks that can not be performed or done safely by an individual or take on tasks that free up responders to handle the increased workload. Health care practitioners have not been replaced by the bulk of machines used in hospitals treating COVID-19 patients.


Such as the famous UVD decontamination robots and meal and prescription carts, a limited number of robots are autonomous. But the findings show that staff is not replaced by robots. Instead, the robots help the current hospital workers deal with the increase in infectious patients. The decontamination robots disinfect better and quicker than human cleaners, while the carts minimize the number of time nurses and aides need to spend on ancillary duties with personal protective equipment.


Artificial Intelligence: As True As Human Beings


What about service roles where it is important for an individual to give a lesson or guidance? Artificial intelligence, which can replace school tutors, fitness trainers, and financial advisors, is being created. The use of artificial intelligence is being expanded by major tech companies; the employment of artificial intelligence developers has increased. Lockdowns have made everyone more comfortable with the concept of communicating remotely. There is no need for the teacher or adviser on the screen to be a real human, just to think and behave like one.


Final Takeaway


The role of AI, robotics, and automation in helping society recover from the pandemic is yet to be seen, but these technologies are likely to play a larger role in healthcare in the future. The industry will be especially driven to create, evaluate, and implement strategies that could make a potential pandemic less catastrophic than the current one, now that many places around the world have seen what can happen when hospitals are crowded, and human health care staff are overwhelmed.

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