Trending Job Roles in the World of Artificial Intelligence for 2020

Alexa, tell me a story.

Hey Siri, set a timer for 10 minutes.

Do you think you would be able to achieve all this without the power of artificial intelligence?

Digital assistants like Alexa and Google Home have completely transformed the way we access digital landscape. Of course, these agents respond rapidly and accurately. Similar to humans, don’t you think? In fact, if you look at it, then virtual assistants have transformed the manner in which we perceive the term personal assistants. From every day simpler tasks to technology-enabled comfort, these assistants are able to deliver it all.


For this reason, AI is now entering multiple fields of science and various domains. From being able to extract valuable insights to create a robot, artificial intelligence experts help us achieve it all.


Learning Of Blog

  • Trending Jobs In Artificial Intelligence

o Data Science
o Robotics
o Business Intelligence
o Game Designer

  • Conclusion

In this article, we will discuss the trending job roles played by artificial intelligence experts. These jobs are currently in demand due to an increase in the popularity of artificial intelligence. Without further ado, let’s dive in and explore these job roles.

Trending Jobs In Artificial Intelligence

What’s currently trending in artificial intelligence?

We are sure that you may have already guessed multiple job roles we have discussed below. For instance, data science. We utilize it regularly to extract valuable insights and make better business decisions.

Let’s analyze these job roles in detail:

1. Data Science

A data science engineer helps in creating and managing a system, which extracts valuable information from the collected data. Each organization collects data every day.

When your users visit your website, you get data.

When your users make a purchase, you get data.

Essentially, you get data whenever a user makes a transaction in your business. If you don’t utilize this data, it can offer you no value. In fact, this data soon becomes a liability because you have no place to store and process it. Hence, data scientists are employed to carefully analyze and utilize data through various tools.

2. Robotics

Robotics is a branch of artificial intelligence that we all fascinate. It reminds us of various AI robots observed in movies. Artificial intelligence experts in this field analyze, process, and design systems that can achieve regular tasks. These designs are dedicated to major industries such as healthcare, retail agriculture. The motive here is to automate tasks and improve functioning while still maintaining considerable control over the robot.

3. Business Intelligence

Business intelligence may seem similar to data science because both the fields work on data. However, BI analyzes and processes this data for offering a graphical overview of the data. BI experts use advanced business intelligence tools to create visualizations, dashboards, and advanced reports. These reports help teams to analyze performance and improve workflows.

4. Game Designer

One field that we all love – the game designer. Each and every game that we play today has some sort of artificial intelligence element in it. Take PUBG, for example. Initially, when you start playing, the AI bots start playing with you. But, eventually, only real players are left in the game. Considering that, game designers develop new and exciting games for users and release updates. Their job roles include end-to-end management of the architecture and infrastructure.


Artificial intelligence experts are currently trending due to their expertise. There’s no doubt in the fact that every organization is now implementing artificial intelligence in every aspect of their business. As a result, various AI job roles are emerging. In the years to come, you will find many more similar jobs across the industries.


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