Augmented Reality : A Boon to Classroom Learning

Nowadays, augmented reality technology is becoming mainstream. It is finding its application almost everywhere right from broadcasting 3D emails and sending out intuitive messages. Augmented reality (AR) is already a part of our everyday lives, irrespective of whether we are the ones using it or if we are the ones viewing the content that has been created by others using it. Not sure what we are referring to? Of course, social media. Popular social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook’s messenger are currently using augmented reality in terms of face recognition software, applying augmented filters to Instagram stories, etc. Some of the major industry verticals using augmented reality are education, manufacturing, healthcare, retail, gaming, and real estate.

This article will focus on how augmented reality is being prominently utilized in the classroom and educational settings.

Understanding Augmented Reality

It refers to using technology to superimpose information such as images, sounds, and text on the world we see. It offers an interactive, reality-based display environment to enhance the real-world experience of the user. It delivers a unified yet enhanced the view of the world by combining both real and computer-based scenes and images. The main goal of augmented reality is to provide a rich audiovisual experience. Augmented reality employs computerized simulation and techniques such as animation, image and speech recognition, hand-held devices, and powered display environments.

Using Augmented Reality for Classroom Learning

1. AR-Enabled Worksheets

This helps students experience augmented reality technology from within the confines of their homes. The tedious process of homework can be converted into an easy one for students, and they can explore both augmented reality and the content at their homes. These worksheets will enable students to build a positive relationship with both education and technology.

2. Faculty Photo Walls

Creating a faculty photo wall in classrooms is an innovative way to integrate augmented reality in education. A faculty photo wall has pictures of the faculties placed on a display board. With AR, students or visitors can scan the images to see them come to life. This is out-of-the-box thinking which enables in knowing more information about teachers and getting all the possible information. Word wall is another concept using which students can view meanings and illustrations of key vocabularies by using AR-based word walls in an interactive environment. This will help students improve their vocabulary. Students can use their mobile devices to know the usages of the word and sentence.

Augmented reality can also be used for parent involvement. It helps parents keep track of regular activities being held at school. Augmented trigger images from parents can be attached at each student’s desk to boost their confidence through a few words of motivation. Though it may sound futuristic, it would be even better to have a monthly calendar of events that can be updated just by scanning the school logo of their child’s t-shirt.

3. Custom-made Markers

Marker images serve the purpose of displaying augmented reality content on or over a surface. For this, AR must be directly linked to the lesson content. The students can then point their device camera to the AR textbook pages, and the AR app then locates it and sends the query back to their servers. The camera will remain pointed at the page, and the fiducial serves as a registration device for the orientation and movement of the image which allows the object to rotate or move from any angle. This is being inculcated today in a wide array of education apps. Aurasma and Layar are the two applications that use this and are easy to set up. Through the Aurasma app, teachers can link the AR trigger ‘Aura’ to an online content that can be a video, a website content, or a static image. When viewers scan over the auras, they are presented with online content in a floating window that proves to be highly engaging for students.

4. Premade Resources

This is one of the easiest implementations of augmented reality technology in classrooms. This kind of content helps educators as it takes away the stress of getting involved in the technological aspect of lesson planning. But this still provides students with a way to engage with the content. It is a great place to start for educators. It is a highly intuitive process for students, as all they need is a smartphone to bring the pages of the textbook to life. Several companies are now coming up with textbooks encoded with AR possibilities. Carlton Books is one such leading international publisher that publishes beautifully illustrated books for both adults and children. It creates augmented reality books that bring each and every page of a book to life. They specialize in popular topics such as arts, lifestyle, entertainment, history, puzzles, etc.


Augmented reality in education has the ability to transform the conventional learning process for the better. With technologies such as augmented reality making their way into classrooms, classroom learning, and the education sector, on the whole, are undergoing a change at an unprecedented rate. Augmented reality is one such reality-bending technology that has the potential to change the format and even the location of the learning process. While education is all about enhancing the creativity and interaction of students, augmented reality is a concept that will come in handy as it will help make classes more engaging and information more apprehendable. Leveraging augmented reality for education will help children design their own learning world around them. This will offer limitless possibilities and will certainly be an extensive part of profound learning.

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