How Can You Use Augmented Reality To Revolutionize Marketing Strategy?

If you have an iPhone with iOS 12, then open its Measure app. Using this application, you can measure distance in your phone with the help of a line placed as a measuring tape. You can move and tilt your phone, but the line will stay. Now, if you have a Huawei phone, open your camera and scroll to AR lens. Make faces and see objects repeating what you are saying. We all are already utilizing AR in many day-to-day applications. It is amazing, useful, and fun. So, how can this amazing invention not revolutionize your marketing strategy?

Firstly, let’s understand what is augmented reality.

What Is Augmented Reality?

Using augmented reality, digital information is superimposed on real-world information. For instance, AR technology gave us Pokemon Go and ability to put dog ears on ourselves on Snapchat.

Augmented reality is not just fun and useful, it is helping doctors too. There is an AR scanner which projects veins’ AR image on the skin of an individual. This assists in easy drawing and injecting of blood.

How AR Is Revolutionizing Marketing Strategy?

While marketers think AR is a technology which needs to be explored, it is not. It already has so many applications, and we just have to use it. You can give your users an insight of how a certain product can be used and analyze user behavior on purchase pattern.

Here are some pioneering applications of AR that can be used in your marketing strategy:

1.     Product Visualization

We are all a big fan of IKEA not only because of the great, appealing products but also because they help us visualize how our home will look with these products. IKEA has an AR catalog, using which you can see how your space will look after placing specified furniture.

Now, imagine if you are buying a new property, wouldn’t it be great to see how your furniture will look before actually buying it?

2.     Enhanced Customer Engagement

A study found out that with the help of AR you can generate two times more customer engagement. You can remove all the distractions from the picture and help your users to only focus on the products.

For instance, highlighting all the products relevant to a recipe in a grocery store. This would not only improve user engagement but also enhance the experience of your users. It would be extremely easy for them to shop without wasting much time in finding the right place where the products are kept.

3.     Location Finding

If you download this app Wikitude, it will lead you to the exact locations of your searches. However, this is still too common these days; you can use AR to increase your brand visibility. Your users can search products in your store using AR technology without having to search every aisle.

Today, you can click a picture of a product and AR apps will tell you on which stores a product like this will be available.

4.     Analyzing Customer Data

One of the biggest benefits of AR is the ability to track consumer behavior. With technology, you can see whether your users’ purchase pattern is affected by rain or a sunny day. There are various other things that can be easily analyzed based on the data that can be interpreted using AR. This will help you adopt just the right strategy for different types of users.

Is It Only for Big Players?

Increasing exposure and fond of digital media is simply pushing television marketing in the back lane. Many organizations are now shifting to AR technology and enhancing the experience of their users.

However, this does not mean that AR technology can only be used in marketing when you have a big budget. There are various AR kits such as Apple’s ARkit and Adobe’s SparkAR, which can be used to improve customer experience.

Future Of AR

This is still the starting of AR technology. In the future, your users will be able to experience everything before using it from their home’s interior design to how a new refrigerator will work. Everything will be changed with AR experience and users will be able to make better decisions with this technology.

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