Best Tips to Crack the Big Data Expert Job Interview

Even though Big Data is a relatively newer field, there is a rising interest in all the industries for hiring Big Data experts. This is a challenging prospect for employers since there are innumerable vacancies but a shortage of qualified Hadoop or Big Data experts.

However, with the rewarding salary packages available, becoming a big data expert in 2020 might just be the best decision that you make. But to become one, it involves a rigorous screening process of skills. Once you’re done reading this blog, you’ll feel way more confident and prepared to crack your big data expert job interview.


How to Prepare for the Big Data Expert Interview


It would be best if you kept in mind that a big data expert interview will not be like any other average IT company interview. This role requires specific data skills set in analytical data science and the Hadoop system. Moreover, an excellent employment record with good practical knowledge is a prerequisite for this role. Here are some essential tips for planning your Big Data interview.


Know your Basics well


It’s imperative that you are up to date with all the required technologies and tools. Here are the important ones you need to concentrate on.



  • Machine Learning and Statistics


Naturally, for Big Data, excellent knowledge of statistics is absolutely necessary. It’s required for all that data and number crunching. For example, the null hypothesis, P-value, R, confidence intervals are just to name a few. Along with that, Machine Learning is an essential part of big data. You should know all about the nearest neighbours, ensemble methods, random forests, etc. as they are directly utilized in Python.



  • Computer Science Essentials


Having a sound knowledge of primary programming languages like Python, SQL, and R is expected. Moreover, if you have good practical experience with Java, that’ll be an added advantage. You can sign up for online certifications to gain expertise on the same in case you need to. Brush up on your knowledge structures like Stacks, Arrays, Trees, Lists, etc.



  • Data Visualization 


To fit into the role of a big data expert, data visualization tools like ggplot really help a lot. It will help you to map and use data in real-time applications. Master the art of cleaning data beforehand because it’s a skill you’ll need often. Thus learning how to wrangle data will help you in figuring out the corrupt from authentic data sets.



  • Product Management 


Any organization you work for, you will mostly be managing a product; therefore, you should know about some vital terms like change rates, retention rates, client input, A/B Testing, etc. It will also be advantageous for you to have sufficient information on the functioning of tools like MongoDB, Flume, Storm, etc. Having expertise in the correct metrics to analyze and comprehend data on a particular product is equally important.


  • Awareness of Data 


Any organization you’ll join as a Big Data expert will naturally mean going through huge amounts of data. Whether it’s a tech company, online retailer, social networking websites, etc. Recruiters often look for candidates who have experience with data giants like Amazon, Google, etc. You can also sign up for recognized online certifications of Big Data Expert.


Go Through Suggested Big Data Interview Tips

In getting a successful job, there are multiple factors that matter. Whether it’s your resume or your awareness about the position and the industry you’re applying for. Research well before stepping in for the interview. Often first impressions are the actual last ones, so don’t take a risk.



  • Research the Employer


Wherever you go in a particular organization, it is basic to research them thoroughly. You should know about the work culture of the company, the history and the economic stature of the firm. A lot of this information is publicly available on websites like LinkedIn or Glassdoor. Even visiting social media handles is a lot of help. Customize your profile and experience accordingly.



  • Prepare Well for the Test


Be prepared for a technical test coming your way when you go for the interview. Employers usually take it to test your analyzing, logical, and programming skills. It’s better to ask them beforehand so that you’re prepared for any specific technical expertise to be tested. Also, pay attention to how you’re required to dress up, depending on the organization’s environment.



  • Refer to the Right Questions


Referring to the right set of questions is very helpful because there are a few basic ones which you can rehearse well in advance. You can study the Top Interview Questions for a Big Data Expert Interview. Along with these technical questions, be prepared to answer how you fit into the organization. Make sure that you have a unique story to tell, which can convince the recruiters about the value you will add to an organization.



  • Have a Flawless Resume


Check your resume for any discrepancies or grammatical errors. Ensure that you alter your resume to fit the role you’re applying for because one size fits all approach does not apply here. Know your strengths as well as weaknesses and how you plan to work upon them. Afterall your resume plays a significant role in how the employer perceives your candidature.



  • Mock Interviews


That’s a great way to prepare for any profile, actually. The practice is fundamental to cracking that job interview. You can have sessions with your peers to enhance your answering capability.



  • Tackling Real-time Issues


Not only will your technical skills be judged, but also your capacity to derive logical solutions for real issues that an organization might face. You will be presented with or asked to present case-studies outlining problem areas that might help in solving the issue.



  • Be Prepared to Question Everything


If you’re interested in the profile, then an excellent way to communicate is to ask relevant questions. So be prepared with them. It gives a good impression of you and the interest you have in the organization. A successful interview means a two-way conversation.



Interview preparation is the core of a Big Data Expert Job Interview. And even after that, you should take care to send a note of gratitude to the interviewer and a gentle reminder for a response if they haven’t already. For better chances at clearing an interview, you can sign up for the Certified Big Data Expert at Global Tech Council to brush up on all your skills.


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