What are the Primary Reasons to Learn Hadoop?

The Hadoop market is currently undergoing a gigantic evolution and is showing no signs of deceleration. Being skilled in big data and Hadoop could be the perfect tool to aid you in going from your current career to your dream career.

What is Big Data?

Big data means large volumes of data. This can mean both structured and unstructured data. Big data is data that is huge in size and grows exponentially with time. As the data is too large and complex, traditional data management tools are not sufficient for storing or processing it efficiently. A big data expert is one who analyzes the patterns and trends revealed by data to be adopted to improve your business. It refers to very large sets of data that are analyzed to reveal trends, patterns, and associations relating to human behavior and its interactions. This may refer to both structured and unstructured data. More than focusing on the volume of data present, big data must focus on how the data is used.

What is Hadoop?

Hadoop is one such technology that is responsible for processing large datasets. It has evolved as a comprehensive data science platform. It is used for storing colossal amounts of data, owing to its notable features such as fault tolerance and scalability. It uses tools such as Pig and Hive to facilitate a comprehensive analytical platform.

Apache Hadoop is an open-source framework that facilitates a network of computers to solve problems requiring massive computational power and datasets. It processes the datasets across clusters of computers with the help of simple programming models. It aids in scaling from single servers to thousands of machines. Though Hadoop is written in Java, it can be programmed in other languages such as C++, Ruby, Python, Perl, etc.

Having understood what big data and Hadoop are, let us now delve deeper into the primary reasons to learn Hadoop.

Primary Reasons for Learning Hadoop

Hadoop is gaining immense popularity nowadays and learning it will offer the following benefits.

1.Enhanced Career Opportunities

A majority of the companies are looking for skilled IT professionals with prior knowledge in business intelligence and Hadoop ecosystems such as Pig, Hive, MapReduce, MongoDB, etc. This immense demand for Hadoop can be directly attributed to Hadoop being the most prominent technology as it can handle big data in a cost-effective and scalable manner. Hadoop professionals get opportunities from several industries such as finance, healthcare, agriculture, sports, energy, etc. Holding a certification in Hadoop is an added advantage. Candidates will be eligible to apply for positions such as data analyst, Hadoop administrator, data scientist, big data architect, Hadoop developer, etc. Hadoop is credited with being the strong pillar of IT big data systems such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Yahoo, Amazon, and eBay.

2. Revolutionizes Numerous Domains

Nowadays, big data is leaving no stone unturned. This implies that big data has become a major part of each and every industry, thus allowing organizations to leverage its capability to improve business values. The common domains that are rigorously using Hadoop and big data include government, banking, healthcare, retail, transportation, natural resources, and media and entertainment.

3. Scarcity of Big Data Hadoop Professionals

As discussed earlier in this article, the job opportunities for Hadoop professionals are growing at a rapid rate. There are many job roles that are still vacant due to the huge skill gap that is still persistent in the market. This scarcity for big data and Hadoop technology created a huge gap between the demand and the supply of professionals. This is the perfect time for a big data and Hadoop professional to start your journey towards building a bright career. As the popular saying goes, ‘Now or Never,’ start your career in the Hadoop and big data sphere and grab the lucrative opportunities that come your way before it is too late.

4. Caters to Different Professional Backgrounds

The Hadoop ecosystem offers various tools that can be leveraged by professionals from different backgrounds. For those from the programming background, the MapReduce code caters to different languages like Python and Java. If you are a professional with exposure in scripting languages, ApachePig would be the best fit. Those who are comfortable with SQL can go ahead with Apache Drill or Apache Hive. The global market for big data analytics is growing. This strong growth pattern translates into a great opportunity for IT professionals. A career in big data and Hadoop will suit professionals across designations such as:

  • Software Architects.
  • Software Developers.
  • Project Managers.
  • Senior IT Professionals.
  • Data Warehousing professionals.
  • Testing professionals.
  • Mainframe Professionals.


I hope this article gave you a brief overview of the primary reasons to learn Hadoop. To become a bigdata expert and get instant updates of big data certifications, check out Global Tech Council.

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