How Chatbots Can Be Used In HR Department?

Have you ever checked a website that had automated chatbot? This automated artificial intelligence enabled feature helped you reset your password or provide guidance on a few things.

Chatbots are AI enabled features that send text signals to help customers. Your users take this as a go-to information center of your website to gain answers for their queries. For instance, you ordered food, and you asked the chatbot enabled chat. Where is my order? The chatbot will return with the delivery status in return.

While the application of chatbots in websites and applications are too common, can this AI-enabled technology help in HR as well? Let’s find out.

How Can Chatbots Help Transform HR?

Chatbots is known as an artificial intelligence application which is used for communication. We all know human resources need to communicate — a lot. In fact, the communication carried out in the HR department of an organization is more important than any other communication going on.

Here’s how chatbots transform HR communications and working:

1. Recruitments

Recruitments can be tricky – especially for freshers. These people can become conscious and refrain from asking questions bothering them. Further, they may have the anxiety of not knowing the status of their application which can lead HR to lose a perfectly good candidate.

Chatbots can resolve such issues by guiding applicants. Firstly, chatbots are non-judgmental so candidates will feel comfortable asking as many questions as they like. Secondly, these chatbots can inform the candidate of the hiring status, which will eliminate confusion and ambiguity from the funnel.

2. Branding

Using chatbots, you can ensure that one approach is used for hiring candidates. This can reduce bias and improve your branding because of the recruitment and hiring consistency of your organization. You can end up providing a promising experience to the applicants even if they are not finally hired.

3. Feedback

Feedback is the lord of every HR process. For instance, you carried out a recruitment drive in a college and shortlisted ten candidates. You may need others to offer their feedback to acknowledge if the recruitment drive was unbiased and gave everyone a fair chance. This feedback is extremely simple with chatbots in the picture.

Other than this, feedback can be received from existing employees for various things such as their experience in the company, for a new process, or the training session as well.

The feedback received can be put to use in improving processes and leading towards all-round growth of the organization.

4. Assistance

On a normal workday, employees have a lot of questions. They need to know their schedule, about the leave schedule, and about the schedule of the client. Further, team managers may need to know about the progress of a project or how their team is performing.

All of this can be implemented using chatbots. Your employees won’t even have to get up from their seats – they can just tap into their computers and find out what they want to know. This additionally saves time, increases clarity in the workplace, and enhances performance.

5. Assessment

Just like feedback is received from employees, managers can leave feedback on team performance. After every project or task that is delivered, the team lead or manager can leave the feedback for the employee. This can set up a system for constant evaluation and assessment. You can tell the employees immediately where they are going wrong and what they need to improve or alter.

6. Training

Training can be utterly boring!

Employees run away from it and don’t want to attend it. But, with chatbots in the picture, interactive training sessions can be implemented with appealing videos and PowerPoints.


Chatbots are not just a way of making the functioning of HR easier, but it is a method of increasing productivity. When HRs are successful in increasing the number of happy employees, productivity increases, retention decreases, and everyone work with full efficiency.

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