Importance Of Chatbots For Your Business

Whether we know it or not, we encounter chatbots every time we go online to visit a website. In recent years chatbots have seen wide adaptation worldwide, as businesses have realized their immense benefits. Chatbots have revolutionized the way companies communicate with customers. Today, chatbots have become smarter with the accelerated development in emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI).

So What A Chatbot Is Exactly?

A chatbot is nothing but a software program enriched with AI, capable of simulating a real interaction with users over a chat interface. Due to their ability to behave like humans in terms of interaction they are proving to be a boon for businesses.

Following are the changes chatbots have brought to enhance customer care.


Excellent Customer Service


A survey shows that over 80% online shoppers require assistance, while shopping and a vast percentage of them leave the website without purchasing due to problems encountered such as lack of understanding of the product or poor navigation or even others. In such cases, chatbots can effectively assist customers and resolve any queries which may end up in the purchase.


According to a report from Gartner, customer service is one of the key factors for the success of a business. Whether it is an international or a local business, a good 24/7 customer service has a positive impact on customer satisfaction, leading to customer loyalty. Chatbots are programmed to resolve repetitive questions immediately and are available for customer service 24/7.


One of the strong benefits of deploying a Chabot is proactive customer interaction. As with the rise of digital age the competition has stiffened in every sector. Companies can no longer rely on passive interaction approach to make an impact, where they wait for the customer to ask a query. Since organizations do not have enough workforce to initiate a communication with all of their customers, chatbots prove to be of great help in starting a conversation with each customer, regarding any issue, any time of the day. This makes customers feel taken care of and improve brand perception in the long run.

Monitoring Customer Data And Churn Out Insights


A chatbot is a really efficient way to communicate with customers and know your customers well. Chatbots collect feedback through simple questions, this feedback can be used to make improvements on your services/products and even optimize your website by adjusting low converting pages.


For example, if a landing page witnesses an amount of organic traffic but doesn’t convert well, the chatbot can reach out to customers visiting the particular page. It can make them various offers and proactively communicate with them to know their further interests.


Chatbots can also be used to observe customer purchasing patterns and consumer behaviors regarding various products and services. This can further help a company to formulate multiple marketing strategies for different product and services.

Quality Lead Generation


Chatbots are a great way to generate quality leads. A bot can ask the necessary and related questions, persuade the user and generate a lead for you. A chatbot can identify a potential customer based on their interests and can forward the lead to the sales team. Also, chatbots can analyze the lead quality on the bases of budget, relevancy, timeline, resources etc.and prevent you from dealing with time-consuming leads


It is safe to conclude that chatbots are a cost-effective and efficient alternative to humans. They have numerous benefits over their human counterparts. Thus they are well accepted everywhere today.


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