The Ultimate Guide on Robotic Process Automation

In the digital world, Remote Process Automation(RPA) is the most hyped and discussed topic. The article explains the concept of RPA, various bots associated, RPA solutions to meet growing business needs and the future scope in this direction.

Learning of Blog


  • Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 200
  • Different bots associated with RPA 
  • Impact of RPA on multiple areas
  • Robotics in IoT
  • Conclusion


Understanding RPA 


According to the researchers, employees spend almost 22% of their precious time in doing repetitive tasks and here comes RPA into picturization.

It is a software robot that replicates work carried out by a human. These are designed to take our labour-intensive tasks within a graphical user interface(GUI), thus speeding up the tasks with accuracy. RPA enables the workforce to focus on creativity and generating smarter outputs.

It is a set of procedures that includes the most of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning and others to handle challenging tasks as per the business need.


As the world is changing at an alarming rate, top organizations are switching from manually intensive tasks to RPA. If you are looking for excellent opportunities in this domain, checkout Global Tech Council for a chatbot training course to become a Certified Chatbot Developer


Different Bots Associated With RPA 


To eradicate operational inefficiencies, most of the manufacturing companies are switching to RPA as a means to optimize their business processes. There are two more types of bots available. These are Programmable bots and Intelligent bots.


Programmable robots are the ones that are programmed by programmers through various set of rules and procedures to perform the desired task, which is generally a time-consuming process. On the contrary, intelligent robots are capable of analyzing historical and current data, and when enough information is gathered, it is capable of completing the process automatically.


Now, let’s have a look at three different types of bots.


Process Robots


Businesses and enterprises are trying to build intelligence to the processes and all thanks to RPA for making business decisions more automated and efficient. RPA can automate processes and prove to be beneficial in domains like payroll processing, compliance monitoring and reporting, customer service and support, supply chain management and automation, and the list is never-ending.


Content Robots


As automation has its footprints in every filed, content robots enable migration of data from enterprise content management systems. With these functionalities, organizations can merge content from legacy web content into any other Enterprise Content Management platforms.

By automating things, these content robots manage the accessibility of content, reducing cost, time and labour at the same time. 


Web Robots


Web Robots automates acquisition and integration of data from the web into business applications. RPA helps to acquire, integrate and develop critical market intelligence information, thus bringing better decision-making capabilities without much investment. From brand monitoring to sales intelligence and fraud detection, web robots eliminate barriers related to data access and more.


Impact of RPA on Multiple Areas



RPA has a powerful impact on almost all significant areas which is speeding up the operational efficiency of the organizations. The usage of RPA can be seen in the field of finance, human resources, but are not restricted to supply chain management, insurance, healthcare and more.


automating small business accounting to handling large organizations and manufacturing companies, RPA is a key solution for everything. It is even useful in various IoT applications that deal with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Here is a list of RPA benefits that impact business operations.


Overall Cost Reduction


By implementing RPA, companies can reduce their processing cost by 80 per cent, which, in turn, reduces the processing time. In fact, automation helps businesses and organizations to reduce their staff requirement as the automation process can perform the task more quickly and precisely when compared with manual operations.


Improved Productivity and Quality 


Automation simply means a method of operating and controlling tasks through automating devices without human intervention, and this states that more jobs are done in lesser time, indication- increase in productivity. In the automation process, as there is merely any chance of mistakes that means quality is maintained intact. Unlike humans, Robots does not suffer from tiredness and boredom while performing repetitive tasks.


Compatible With Existing infrastructure 


As RPA works on existing IT infrastructure, this is one of the reasons why automation is a huge success. RPA needs to be trained by developers and companies don’t need to change their existing infrastructure. To complete a task, RPA interfaces with front-end infrastructure and uses the same (GUI) that human workers would use, making the entire process much faster, efficient without investing an extra penny.


Easy Solution Design 


How much time do you expect to train your robot to solve a specific problem? RPA offers a secure solution design environment that enables comfortable custom coding that is done in a few hours or maybe a single day. A business analyst can create a new robot and optimize it without requiring coding skills to make them work quickly and efficiently.


But scalability and reliability are the two major concerns that cannot be overlooked while implementing RPA to meet business needs. But this is not the end. Here are some crucial points to keep in mind while implementing RPA


Before deploying a robotic, automatic solution, business and organizations should all be set for its challenges.

  • The need for new skills for implementing remote process automation.
  • Processes need to be checked quite often by developers  
  • An implementation may lead to mismanagement of responsibilities
  • RPA is expensive to implement.
  • Adaption of havoc challenges after post-implementation


Robotics in IoT


Robotics with IoT is proving as a beneficial pairing where we refer to the combination of both these technologies as the ‘Internet of Robotics Things’(IORT). In IoRT, intelligent devices can monitor the current events, fuse their sensor data and work with local and distributed intelligence to decide actions and then behave automatically to manipulate objects.

As IoT and Robotic field are evolving together, edge computing and cybersecurity are the major areas that are under the development phase.


In Edge Computing, data is processed and analyzed locally instead of in the cloud; cloud bots can enhance data processing, translate unorganized data, reduce downtime problems, which in turn can reduce on-premise costs. When it comes to cybersecurity, AI and ML-enabled bots are expected to detect security issues in smart devices shortly.


To learn more about Cyber Security, check out our online network security certification.




As RPA has made remarkable improvements, more and more industries and companies are switching to automation process to solve repetitive tasks. Future seems to be exciting for all the technology enthusiasts who are looking forward to shaping their future in this domain. According to the Forrester, by 2021, RPA Market will reach $2.9B, and these statistics show the demand for new developers and engineers.


If you want to learn chatbot programming, chatbot training course covers all fundamentals and advanced concepts of chatbots. There are various prestigious platforms that offer the best ML certification and AI Certification course to make you industry-ready.


If you want to develop a chatbot or want to know more about artificial intelligence certifications, check out Global Tech Council.


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