A Simple Guide to Cyber Security Certifications

Willing to become a network security engineer but don’t know where to start? This guide will tell you all about cybersecurity and network security certifications.

Learning Of Blog

  •  Introduction to Cyber Security
  • Types of Cyber Security
  • Introduction to Cyber Security Certifications
  • Why You Should Get A Cyber Security Certification
  • Cyber Security Certifications For Beginners
  • Intermediate Cyber Security Certifications
  • Advanced Cyber Security Certifications
  • Conclusion

Introduction to Cyber Security

Do you think that using a clever password is enough in today’s digital world? Wrong! Cyber attackers have come up with newer and smarter ways to get access to your networks or systems. Everyone is now aware of the importance of cybersecurity, be it individuals, startups, or large corporations.

Cybersecurity is the practice of preventing computers, networks, media devices, electronic systems, and data from cyber-attacks. The motive of cyber attacks is to get access to data or information for personal benefits like money extortion or disruption of existing business processes.

Types of Cyber Security

Cyber Security can be divided into several categories like:

  • Network Security – Focuses on the protection of networks from threats.


  • Operational Security –Focuses on the protection of data – how the data will be shared and who all will have access to it.


  • Application Security  – Aims to prevent software applications and devices. It means to design an application in such a way that it complements data security.


  • User Education – There are chances that a person can accidentally download a malicious file or introduce a virus in a secure system in some way or the other. This category aims to educate people about the basics of cybersecurity training and the best measures to ensure cybersecurity.


  • Disaster Recovery –  There can be a time when an organization is hit by a hacker. What happens next? Disaster recovery focuses on how organizations can deal with such incidents, minimize the damage, and restore normal operations at the earliest.



Introduction to Cyber Security Certifications

A degree is a basic requirement for landing up a job but in order to move ahead into information security, you’ll need to have a formal cybersecurity training from a recognized source. Such training is suitable for everyone according to their skillset – beginner, intermediate, and advanced.


In fact, most companies require a certification from a reputed source. It proves that you have the skillset they require. Some certifications also require preparation of working projects, which is an added advantage.

Why You Should Get A Cyber Security Certification

  • Helps you in getting a better salary
  • As cyber-attacks are growing, there is an increasing demand for security professionals. 
  • Most certifications offer specialized training in a particular field of cybersecurity. 
  • An opportunity to grow your connections and work with like-minded people.
  • Gives you an edge over other candidates
  • Shows that you are dedicated to the field


Cyber Security Certifications For Beginners


  • Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Security Fundamentals –As the name suggests this cybersecurity professional training course is for learners who are starting from scratch in the field of cybersecurity. The target audience for this course is college students or people from different fields willing to switch to cybersecurity. MTA Security Fundamentals aims to teach the learners principles of security and basics of the network, operating system, and network security. To get the certification, you need to pass a test that costs $127.



  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) –This is ‘the’ certification for you if you become a hacker who hacks with consent. As more and more hackers are opting for the illegal way of hacking, companies need a soldier who fights for them. 


Please note that this course is beneficial for people with at least two years of network security experience but professionals with an interest in the field can also opt for it. There’s a boot camp that trains people to hack into an organization (ethically) and elaborates methods that can be used in the real world.

Intermediate Cyber Security Certifications


  • CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst – Firewalls are necessary but do not assure 100% surety against threats as hackers are becoming better at their jobs. Sometimes, an analytical approach is best suited for better security. If you wish to become a cybersecurity analyst, this is the certification you’re looking for. It teaches skills like addressing vulnerabilities, security architecture threat management, and best practices in case of an incident.



  • Certified Pentesting Expert – This penetration testing certification from Global Tech Council tests the penetration testing skills of an individual. The certification also focuses on the deep knowledge of web hacking techniques and methodologies. Lots of focus also goes into understanding the real-world problems and their solutions, how to hack into an organization, and assessing the vulnerabilities.



Advanced Cyber Security Certifications


  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) – This certification is for individuals who are aiming for top-level positions like CISO. The learners should have at least five years of hands-on experience in domains like Security Operations, Network Security, Security and Risk Management, Security Architecture and Engineering, Identity and Access Management, Asset Security, and the like.  
  • Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) – CISA is a cybersecurity professional training for individuals who wish to build a career in audit work. You’ll need expertise in domains such as protection of information assets, IT governance, and the like. Large financial institutions are always on a lookout for talented individuals who can join their auditing team and this certification is a stepping stone towards the same.




Cybersecurity is a comparatively newer field and most people are not aware of where to start. It also requires specialized knowledge in a particular area for individuals to excel. This is where specialized certifications like ethical hacking training, wireless security training, information security training, and the like become your best friends.


Do not hurry in choosing any certification. Do your research, look for your area of interest, and then choose the one that suits you.

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