Most Frequently Asked Python Interview Questions

In the programming domain, Python is the most sought-after skill. In the past few years, Python has emerged as a first-class language in the areas of infrastructure management, data analysis, and software development. It is no longer considered a back-room utility language. It is looked at as a major force in systems management and creation of web applications and is a key driver that is also one of the responsible factors for the explosion of big data analytics and machine intelligence.

In this article, I will introduce you to some of the most popular Python interview questions and will provide you the answers for the same as it would be useful for you especially if you are considering a career in Python.

Python Interview- Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the popular Python interview questions are as follows.

1. What is Python?

It is a general-purpose, high-level programming language that was mainly developed to emphasize on code readability. The syntax of Python lets programmers express concepts using fewer lines of code. Python helps in automatic memory management. It is preferred by many organizations as it supports multiple programming paradigms. It was founded by developer Guido Van Rossum in 1991.

2. Key Features of Python

  • Python is an interpreted language meaning that like C and other programming languages, there is no need to compile it before running it. Ruby and PHP are also examples of interpreted languages.


  • Python is dynamically typed, which means that it is not necessary to state the types of variables while declaring them.


  • Python is an object-oriented programming language as it allows classes to be defined along with composition and inheritance.


  • Functions are first-class objects in Python. It means that they can be passed into functions, returned from other functions, and assigned to variables. Classes are also considered as first-class objects.


3. Can You Explain How Memory is Managed in Python?

Python private heap space is used for memory management in Python. The data structures and objects of Python are located in a private heap. The programmer cannot access the private heap as the Python interpreter is in charge of this. Python’s memory manager is responsible for allocating the heap space for Python objects. In Python, all the unused memory is recycled using the inbuilt garbage collector.

4. What are the Advantages of Python?

Some of the prominent advantages of the Python language are:

  • User-friendly data structures.
  • Portable and interactive.
  • Open-source and community development.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Presence of third-party modules.

5. What are Python Libraries? Explain any Two

A library is a collection of functions or methods which allows to perform actions without writing codes. Python’s standard library is extensive and contains built-in modules written in C language. Numpy is used internally for performing multiple operations on Tensors. It is interactive, simplifies complex mathematical implementations, makes coding easy, and is an open-source contribution. It is used for expressing sound waves, images, and other binary raw streams.

Pandas is a library that provides high-level data structures and a wide variety of analysis tools. It has the ability to translate complex operations with data through one or two commands. It has many in-built methods for filtering, time-series functionality, grouping, and combining data. It simplifies the process of manipulating data.

6. Explain Namespace

Namespace refers to a naming system that makes sure that names are unique to help avoid naming conflicts. In Python, every name is stored ina specific place. Here, the variable name is mapped to the object placed. It is similar to a box, and this box will be searched to obtain the corresponding object.

7. What Are Some of the Common Python Modules?

Python modules refer to files containing the Python code. Some of the popular built-in modules are:

  • sys
  • os
  • math
  • random
  • JSON
  • data time

8. What Are Local and Global Variables?

Local variables are declared inside a function. These are present in the local space and not the global space.

Global variables, on the other hand, are declared outside a function or in the global space. Any function in the program can access global variables.

9. Explain a Lambda Function

It is a single expression anonymous function that is used as an inline function, similar to C programming. It returns a function object and can accept any number of arguments, but contains only one expression or statement.

10. What Does ‘Self’ Refer to in Python?

Self refers to an object or instance of a class. This is explicitly included as the first parameter in Python. The self parameter can take any name.


I hope you have now got a fair idea of the Python interview questions. If you wish to gain experience in the Python programming language and become a Python expert and wish to see your career transforming for the better, you can check out the certifications and the Python crash course offered by Global Tech Council.

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