Role of Big Data in Employee Scheduling

Today, large chunks of data are generated every minute, and companies are not able to keep up with its pace. Hence, companies across the globe in the fields of banking, agriculture, data mining, finance, healthcare, stocks, marketing, human resources, etc are using big data for their business processes. Businesses, irrespective of the industries they work in, are in need of skilled big data experts or big data analysts who can help make sense of the data and present them with a consolidated report that will help save their save time and energy.

One such area in which big data offers plenty of benefits is employee scheduling. Though employee scheduling technology has been around for a long time now, big data helps add a lot of new features that make it more reliable than ever. Thanks to big data, the following features are made possible.

What is Big Data?

Big data means large volumes of data. This can mean both structured and unstructured data. Big data is data that is huge in size and grows exponentially with time. As the data is too large and complex, traditional data management tools are not sufficient for storing or processing it efficiently. A big data expert is one who analyzes the patterns and trends revealed by data to be adopted to improve your business. It refers to very large sets of data that are analyzed to reveal trends, patterns, and associations relating to human behavior and its interactions. This may refer to both structured and unstructured data. More than focusing on the volume of data present, big data must focus on how the data is used.

Using Big Data For Employee Scheduling

Let us understand the various ways in which big data can be used to improve employee scheduling.

1. Integrated Communication Solution

The ideal thing for any enterprise would be for the employers and employees to communicate with each other using the scheduling software, from anywhere at any time. Communicating with the team must be easy and effective, irrespective of whether it is through a group message or a private chat.

The software that is in place must have an employee directory available through the app as no one wants to waste time by saving, deleting, and editing the contact information of employees on personal mobile phones. This directory must be equipped in such a manner that it provides you details of the department, name, job role, location, performance, assessments, appraisals, and much more. You must also be able to send updates about HR announcements, birthdays, scheduling changes, open shifts, and other company information.

2. Collaboration Per Shift

When you need to collaborate with your team per shift, a lot of time is wasted switching between multiple solutions and playing phone tag. Everything right from sending status updates, reporting issues, and receiving contracts from the filed become messy and unorganized. Thanks to big data, there are many scheduling software available that make collaborating per shift an easy process. This will allow you to, on-the-go, start a chat with your employees during a specific shift and add files like video, media, docs, and much more. For instance, if an employee comes to the job site and notices a hazard, he can immediately fill out a report that will help the employer tend to the matter at once. Even if they see any equipment broken, they can immediately file a complaint.

3. Real-Time Shift Status and Feedback

Managers have a very clear idea about the shift status of each employee as they have the right to accept or reject a job, report when the job is completed, and check-in when they are on site. Due to these real-time shift status alerts, managers will be aware of how a project or an employee is getting along. For instance, if an employee rejects a shift, employers can instantly find a replacement through the app without hassling heir team on the phone. Shift status updates help you constantly be in the loop or help you meet job or task deadlines efficiently. Status updates can be customized to help employees can send reports through the shift attachments as soon as they check-in at the job site. It will also help them share notes and images to explain job-related information. To make sure that your employee is at the right location, many scheduling solutions send the employee’s GPS timestamp to the employer.


Using big data for employee scheduling will help businesses save time, energy, resources, and cost. Big data is thus very useful for the corporate world. To know more about big data training and big data certifications online and to become a big data expert, check out Global Tech Council.

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