Certified Ethereum Professional

Ethereum is a complex but has many applications in multiple industries with Smart Contracts and Token development. Being an upcoming technology, recruiters do not have the ability to assess the right Ethereum Professional from the one who might not suit well. To hire an Ethereum professional, you have to choose from CVs where one says “I am an Ethereum Professional” while other says “I am a Certified Ethereum Professional“. Which one would the recruiter be choosing most likely? “Certified” one, of course.

Certification means that there is an approval of a recognized 3rd party body who reduces the job of a recruiter a lot by making and certifying the professional making it much convenient for them to choose which professional they need to hire even if they may have given the right answers for most questions. Global Tech Council helps companies and individuals by offering such certifications like Certified Ethereum Expert, Certified Solidity Developer and Certified Smart Contract Developer. Check them out below