Ethereum Developer Salary in China

China has been doing great work in NEO development as a platform. However, experts and developers are having a good and secure job opening in companies as well as in the freelance market for Ethereum projects. An Ethereum Developer Salary in China involves a handsome package with some stock options. Starting range is of around $45k – $60k for standard developers who are ideally in coding and developing most of the time where managers and directors who are ideally making business decisions earn well around $60k + $120k + Stock Options for themselves.


These include not just codebase understanding but a good knowledge of business impact caused by Ethereum understanding allows professionals to earn well enough. So if you are a coder and have a good understanding of the business impacts of blockchain but if you are only curious and exploring, explore the courses for Certified Solidity Developer or Certified Ethereum Expert and boost your career to the future