How to Become a Big Data Expert in 2020?

We live in a society where data is now valued above gold. The reason for this is simple; our behavioural patterns as customers or consumers can be studied depending on the choices we make. And cumulatively, it collates as the data that determines business operations, customer behaviours, or industry trends, etc. Big data is not an isolated field; rather, it enhances artificial intelligence, Machine learning, blockchain, augmented reality, IoT, and many other futuristic technologies.


History of Big Data


The first roots of big data can be traced back to Alan Mathison Turing, who invented the Turing machine to counter the infamous German Enigma machine during WW2. Military historians estimate that WW2 would have continued for at least 2 more years, and more than 2 million innocent lives would have been lost if Turing had not deciphered the German code. In his paper titled Computing Machinery and Intelligence, he attempted to explain how computers would be smart enough to ‘think’ one day. That was 1950, and this is 2020.


Nearly 70 years later, ‘Big Data’ might sound complicated to many, but it is the soul of our continually evolving digital world. For a lot of people, big data is still an alien term as they don’t know enough about it, or they think it doesn’t concern them. Big Data is defined as ‘extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions.’ This is the simplest definition available. Now, do you feel it’s related to you as well because you’re also producing massive amounts of data with every technological device that you use? For example, you should consider social media activity, web browser histories, geolocation services, or even fitness apps.


Traditional data analysis and data management cannot keep up with Big Data because of the enormous size of the data involved. Hence the role of a ‘Big Data Expert’ is a coveted one. A big data expert is responsible for the potential possibilities in managing and utilizing the data operations.

Key Skills to Acquire for a Big Data Expert

Let us look at some of the key skills required to become a big data expert in 2020.


Programming Skills

Big data is in an evolutionary phase and requires customization on a regular basis to comprehend unstructured data. This means that you should have a good practice of coding. The standard languages that you must know are Java, Python, and R. Other useful languages are SQL, SAS, Hive, SPSS, MATLAB, Scala, Weka, Julia, etc.


Data Warehousing Skills

The entire process of compiling and organizing data into one common database, should be on your fingertips. You should have experience in relational databases like HDFS, CouchDB, NoSql, Teradata, Hbase, or Cassandra. Moreover, experience in non-relational databases includes Mysql, DB2, or Oracle.


Computer Framework Skills

Big data processing relies on computational frameworks. It’s essential that as a big data expert, you are familiar with essential frameworks like Apache Storm, Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Samza, MapReduce, and Apache Flink.


Statistical and Quantitative Aptitude Skills

Statistics form the foundation of data science. Hence knowledge of vital concepts like random variables, summary statistics, Hypothesis testing framework or a probability distribution, etc. are important for anyone working in Big data. Ease in working with linear algebra concepts is even more advantageous.


Business Knowledge Skills

Big data experts possess a deep understanding of the domains that they work on. This helps to keep the analysis focused in direction, to validate, sort out, relate, and evaluate the data. The right balance of technical skills, statistics, and business aptitude can land you an impressive job in the industry.


Big Data Expert Certification by Global Tech Council

This certification provided by Global Tech Council is a self-paced 5-hour course that can easily be completed at your own convenience. It focuses on the core concepts of Big Data Analytics, Apache Hadoop, HDFS, Apache Map Reduce, Yarn, Apache Spark, Apache Pig, Hive, etc. Signing up for this course will not only give you in-depth knowledge about it but also certify you as a Big Data Expert once you successfully clear the exam.


Big Data Expert Salary

Once you become a certified big data expert, it will open up multiple career avenues for you. Salary usually depends on the job responsibilities that you take. For this reason, a senior big data analyst with the skills of a data scientist might command an even higher price to hire. The average salary at entry-level ranges between $70,000- $80,000. For a senior big data expert, it can range anywhere between $1,18,750 to $1,42,500.



The future of big data is bright, and those who are qualified and well equipped with the right skills to become a big data expert, have an even brighter future. Whether it’s the big data that went behind into the discovery of the black home or it’s the data that has driven the creation of autonomous self-driving cars, it’s all fuelled by data. So why wait, sign up on Global Tech Council today!


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