How To Improve Employee Performance Using Big Data?

Many organizations are able to provide an amazing offer to most of its employees because of big data. From the flexibility of napping in the office to bringing your pet to work, every requirement of the employees is assessed through the power of data. The bottom line behind making all these adjustments in the work culture and employee benefits are made to increase employee satisfaction at the workplace. This increases the efficiency and performance of the employees and ultimately the performance of the whole team.

This article will discuss how you can tap into the power of big data to unlock the true potential of your employees.

Using Big Data to Improve Employee Performance

Although most of the businesses use big data and its analytical capabilities for customer retention and high experience, very few use this knowledge for employees. Hence, many requirements of the employees are easily overlooked, which increases employee turnover and cost of hiring. Let’s see how big data can empower you to improve employee performance and reduce employee turnover.

1.  Metrics

While the focus is mostly directed towards collecting data, it should be turned to analyzing this data. After collecting relevant data of your employees and external environment, decide the metrics you need to analyze from this data. These metrics will come from understanding the end-goal, whether you are willing to improve the employer-employee relationship or increasing employees’ comfort of working. For instance, knowing the work schedule of your employees can help you find out the type of work culture they are looking for.

2.   Engagement

Big data can allow you to find out the type of engagement process you should be utilizing. This engagement process can come in the form of team outings or a reward program. You will be able to figure out what measures you can take to engage your team in different activities.

3.   Personalization

One of the major advantages of big data analysis is the ability to personalize. Every employee has a different way of functioning and has different workplace requirements. Not knowing these aspects bring down the HR team as retention becomes difficult. With big data, the HR team can know the strengths and weaknesses of every employee. For instance, it is possible to predict the efficiency of an employee in a certain type of work. There are chances that this employee is working on different projects altogether. Using the expertise of employees in their area of interest can increase performance.

4.   Recruitment

It is known that most of the issues that arise in front of HR are because of the bad hiring decisions. Needless to say, the hire is not always at fault as they may require a different culture, compensation, or work role. When HR places an employee in an unfavorable condition, employee turnover increases. If the potential of the employee is assessed from the starting, these glitches can be avoided altogether. HR can bring the employee onboard with the company culture and make some adjustments if an employee has a specific necessity.

5.   Training

When the company is on its way to advance its services, employees are expected to follow. But, not every employee is qualified to follow. This is more of an issue related to industry knowledge than qualification. Helping employees adjust is well achieved with big data. Employee data can be analyzed to know which group of employees need what type of training. It can enhance the overall process of upgrading services. It will help the employees will take part in the change.


All these factors may though seem disconnected to the larger goal, these aspects play a part in increasing productivity. When people work in their area of interest, on a handsome compensation, and with proper knowledge, the performance automatically increases. There is no denying to the fact that the HR team will have to put in extra efforts to make that happen. However, the results lead to business growth, which makes all these efforts worthwhile.

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