Top 10 Reasons To Learn Big Data

The technological intervention has brought in new career opportunities. Well, in today’s time, data is the king and is playing a game-changer for many industries. This has made big data as one of the most rewarding career options — today organizations re looking for data analysts, data engineers and Big Data expertise.


The statistics are overwhelming, as per the study of insideBIGDATA, there will be an exponential growth in data by 2020. Did you know that 90% of world data has been produced in the last few years, this indicates growing inclination of companies towards data and its analysis. As per a report published in Forbes, the Big data Hadoop market will grow up to 99 billion by 2022, with a compound growth rate of 42%.


What should you know before opting for Big Data as a career option?


If you are planning to look for opting Big Data as a career option, then it’s the best move that you can make for your professional growth. However, you must know that there are certain pre-requisites that you must have to excel in this field.

  1. Knowledge about programming
  2. Acquaintance with server and SQL
  3. Experience in research and consulting is important
  4. Besides, one must have an interest in Big Data, to learn about Big Data and grow in this field.

A recruiter will look for all these aspects before hiring you.

Here are the top 10 reasons why you should choose Big Data as to your career option:


1. Rising Demand For Big Data Analytics

A lot of work is going into the field of data analytics. As we have mentioned above, more than a billion data has been extracted in the last two years, and there is a demand for individuals who can analyse this data and predict the right result. While there is an increasing demand for such profiles, we still have a lesser number of experts in this domain. Hence, pursuing a career in this field allows you to make it big in the field of Big Data.

2. Enterprise adoption


Data is the king, and it forms the DNA of every organization As per an article published in Forbes, a company on an average spends around $8 million on Big Data and allied activities. It also mentions the fact that 74% of Big Data will be a part of mainstream business. With such proliferating numbers, we can say that Big Data is going to be a great platform of opportunities for professionals to excel in their career.

3. Better Salary

Every professional aim to get an excellent package, and hence, they add to their academic and professional excellence. While we talk about better packages, an individual need to have exemplary skills. Learning Big Data is something which the market is demanding and an individual having expertise in this field stands in a stronger position. Thus making you eligible for a better package.


4. Demand And Supply

Getting a good job works on the old economic formula of demand and supply. If there is more demand and one can meet the demand, then they can get a good price for the same. Similar applied in the field of job opportunities. Despite data being an integral part of every organization, we have seen a shallow talent pool. As per a report published by McKinsey in 2015, the United States has faced a shortfall of 140,000 -190,000 people who knew data analytics. This skill gap works as a perfect work opportunity for skilled individuals to demand better growth and salary.

5. Big Data is Universal

When we talk about data, then it’s not just the tech giants who are working on them. Data is required in every field, from formulating small marketing strategies to more significant decisions like merger and acquisition, everything requires a thorough analysis of data and how will each strategy influence the market and the company. In such a scenario, there is a need for individuals who have a complete insight into this field and can implement the knowledge. This is the reason that companies like Globat Tech Council are providing certification courses in Big Data. It helps in creating a pool of talented individuals who can meet the competitive demand of the market.

6. A Plethora Of job Opportunities

Well, when it comes to career options, then Big Data is not just limited to data analytics, there are various other profiles which you can opt for; some of them are :

  • Big Data Engineer
  • Big Data Analytics Business Consultant
  • Analytics Associate
  • Business Intelligence and Analytics Consultant
  • Big Data Analytics Architect and many others.


7. It Helps In Making A Decision

Any company which is in the phase of developing a marketing strategy would first like to study how these strategies are going to influence the people. Now, these decisions could be in-house or related to the market. In either of the case, there is a need for analytics expert who can study the data and the strategy, and finally decipher whether the move is profitable or not.

8. Every Company Needs Big Data

Another reason that you must opt for Big Data is that every company, in the tomes to come is going to need Big Data experts.

9. It is a Top Priority For Organizations

Any company which is planning to grow and win in the competitive market must have a tab on the data and how the strategies influence the people. This has created space for individuals who know about data analytics, thus becoming a great working opportunity for them.

10. Secured Future

If it is about choosing a career option for a secured future, then Big Data is a move that you must make. Despite being quite new in the market as compare to other technologies, this is going to stay in the future and have a favourable career option.


Final Call

If you have basic k would about programming, and statistics is something that lures you, then its time that you choose Big Data as a career option. Companies like Global Tech Council offer certification course in this field, thus making it easy for the aspirants to gain complete knowledge about this field.


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