How Are Chatbots Transforming The Travel Industry?

Satisfying your wanderlust by traveling all over the world to an unknown place is a great experience. Most people believe traveling gives you a life-changing experience along with a new perspective. But, to achieve all that, individuals often have to go through the trouble of planning the travel. Well, that should sound exciting but it is often exhausting. Booking transport, local transport, hotel, and other things take so much of your efforts that you would rather just stay at home

However, with the advent of artificial intelligence, we have seen the growth of chatbots. These bots are capable of just so much. You won’t have to call the hotel or confirm your booking by reaching out to the transport agency. You can simply ask the bot to solve your problems. Take Goibibo, for instance. If you book a hotel through the app, a bot will instantly reach out to on Whatsapp. This bot has all the information that you need.

Chatbots are transforming the travel industry in many other ways. Let’s figure out how:

Time Efficient

Most of the queries made to travel agencies or applications are related to schedule and simple FAQs. People call in to check in their flight schedule or request an online check-in. Having customer care executive answer these queries round the clock is not the right decision. The efficiency is decreased because chatbots can easily respond to common queries without guidance. This bot can stay live all the time, which is not possible for any customer executive. This doesn’t mean that chatbot can eliminate the need for a customer care executive. But, the use of technology will only allow the executives to assume managerial or tactical roles. For instance, sometimes, the bot won’t be able to quickly respond to the complaint of a customer. At that time, the call or chat can be instantly transferred to an executive.


As chatbots can work all the time, you get an extra window to increase customer engagement. This would allow your customers to reach out anytime they want. This also means that you can reach out to your customers anytime you want. If you want to remind a user of his 4 AM flight, just ping them.

Further, with advanced artificial intelligence capabilities, the bot can use Natural Language Processing to detect even vague queries. It can work as the personal travel assistant for your users – helping them throughout their trip.

Data and Personalization

Since AI has immense capabilities of storing data and analyzing it, it is possible to utilize this data to increase customer experience. You can quickly assess the choices of a particular traveler by analyzing his or her booking patterns. How hard it would be for the bot to know that a traveler only stays at 4- or 5-star hotels? It is can be achieved in minutes. Using this knowledge, the bot can suggest relevant hotels, flights, etc. to every customer.

Financially Sound

Chatbots are smart when it is about finances. When a traveler is on a trip, the bot can allow them to manage their expenses with a great plan. The suggestion would be realistic and according to the preference of the traveler. Further, if the traveler is out of the country, the bot can suggest conversions. Automation of these features makes it all easier for the traveler. They won’t have to spend time on any financial issues. All they need to do is ask the bot for solutions.


Not only do chatbots empower businesses to increase customer experience but also this technology is cost-effective. With just a small investment, you can change the way your customer interacts with your organization. This will also lead to enhanced brand value and recognition in front of potential customers. Additionally, using bots, you can capture consumer data to analyze and create a personalized and valuable experience.

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