Career Opportunities With A Cyber Security Certification in 2020

Do you want to start your career in cybersecurity but unsure about the job opportunities that lie ahead? This article will tell you all about the top career opportunities after becoming a cybersecurity engineer in 2020.

Learning of Blog


  • Introduction
  • Top Cyber Security Careers in 2020
  • Conclusion




Companies nowadays seem to be more concerned than ever with the security of their data.  But why has it become so important? As everything around us becomes more digital, the threat of a cyberattack also increases. Hackers now have more opportunities and higher rewards; they are also getting better at what they do. 


Most people think that it is the job of cybersecurity professionals to protect us and our data from hackers. However, that’s not entirely true even if they’re working towards it. Recent data hacks suggest that such attacks can happen at any level in an organization or to an individual, making it necessary for everyone to be aware of the basics of cybersecurity.


All these scenarios mean that the demand for professionals with network security certifications will be on a rise now and in the future.


Top Cyber Security Careers in 2020



  • Penetration Tester

A penetration tester’s job requires the individuals to test the strength of an organization’s network. They use their skills to penetrate the system and identify the flaws in the network. A penetration testing certification will teach you methods like database penetration testing, social engineering penetration testing, network penetration testing, web application penetration testing, and the like. In short, they try to hack a system to identify the vulnerabilities.




Avg. Salary – $82,000



  • Cybersecurity Analyst 

Cybersecurity Analysts work for the betterment of an organization’s network security and reducing the chances of a potential breach. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be a 32% increase in job vacancies in the coming seven to eight years.




Cybersecurity analysts plan and execute security measures to make the network hack-proof by using data from security monitoring tools. They are a company’s front line of defense when it comes to cybersecurity; once they gain in-depth knowledge of potential threats, they move onto advanced roles such as penetration testing.


All these factors make cybersecurity analysis a desirable career option for people who wish to start their career in this field.


Avg. Salary – $72,000



  • Cybersecurity Engineer 

A cybersecurity engineer or a network security engineer’s role involves designing and development of approaches to prevent cyberattacks. It is the most popular position when it comes to the cybersecurity industry. It is an intermediate level position with most companies as the individual needs to have in-depth knowledge for identifying vulnerabilities maintaining systems, improving automation, and tracking issues.




Avg. Salary – $106,000



  • Incident Handler 

The number of cyberattacks is increasing day by day, thus, GDPR and HIPPA have recommended hiring an incident handler. This person is the first one to react in case of a data breach and otherwise monitor systems to identify any potential cyberattack.




Avg. Salary – $80,000



  • Ethical Hacker 

Cybercrime is the new way of robbing people and companies in the digital era; ethical hackers protect companies from such incidents. Ethical hackers or white hat hackers are a company’s gun towards potential data breaches. They hack into a company’s network (with consent) and identify the weak points from where hackers can attack. They also provide support and ideas in strengthening the software and hardware infrastructure to reduce the chances of a data breach.




Avg. Salary – $71,000



  • Network Architect 

Companies have seen an increase in the use of mobile and wireless communication methods, thus, increasing the demand for network architects. It is an advanced level position which gives an individual full control over the planning and execution of the network software and hardware.




In order to apply for this role, you need:


  • At least five years of experience in the same field


  • A master’s degree or a cybersecurity certification from a reputed source<


  • Good communication skills as the person reports directly to higher management



Avg. Salary – $153,000



  • Chief Information Security Officer 

 A Chief Information Security Officer is the person-in-charge for the computer and network security. He is responsible for designing security policies with respect to the latest security trends in the IT industry.




Avg. Salary – $226,000



  • Cybersecurity Consultant 

 A cybersecurity consultant wears multiple hats. They are responsible for testing network security by attacking it and also defending the same. Most of the time, companies hire cybersecurity consultants on a freelance basis or from a third party organization to gain more insights into their organization’s vulnerabilities. 




A consultant may be an entry-level person or an expert in the discipline, depending upon the project. However, companies wish to hire a network security professional with a certification or master’s degree so that he can act as an SME and leader in driving the company’s cybersecurity vision.


Avg. Salary – $91,000


There is a huge demand for cybersecurity professionals in the IT industry and is expected to rise in the coming years. Now is the time to go for an information security training course and move towards a better career.

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