The Complete Ethical Hacking Training Guide for Beginners

Are you tired of finding irrelevant ethical hacking information on the internet without knowing what it means? Worry not, because our training guide will tell you all about ethical hacking, what all you need to get started and how an ethical hacking training course will help you.


Learning Of Blog

  • What is Hacking?
  • Who is an Ethical Hacker?
  • Types of Hackers
  • History of Hacking
  • Role of an Ethical Hacker
  • What Do You Need to Become an Ethical Hacker?
  • What Else to Learn
  • Some Useful Tips
  • Conclusion


What is Hacking?

Hacking refers to the activities that identify the weaknesses of mobiles, computers, electronic devices, or entire networks. A hacker gains unauthorized access to these and exploits their security.


Who is an Ethical Hacker?

An ethical hacker is an individual who has completed the certified ethical hacker course. Ethical hacking is similar to usual hacking, but the word ‘ethical’ is where we need to focus. It implies that the hacker has authorized legal access to the systems. The aim is to find the vulnerabilities and work upon them for securing the network.


Types of Hackers

Since we are talking about hacking, let’s discuss the types of hackers. 


  • White hat hackers – Another terminology used for ethical hackers.
  • Black hat hackers – Hackers who hack a system illegally. 
  • Grey hat hackers – Hackers who gain unauthorized access into the system but do no harm and reveal the weaknesses to the company. 


History of Hacking

  • The history of hacking dates back to the 1960s when the FORTRAN language was used to code and formed the basis of what we call hacking today.



  • In the 1970s, telephones were introduced. Along with that, the term ‘phreakers’ also came into existence, referring to phone hackers.



  • In the 1980s, personal computers were introduced, which led to an increase in the number of hackers as computers were not limited to big companies only. It also meant that hackers used their skills for illegal activities and personal benefit.



  • The term ‘hacker’ was introduced in the 1990s when illegal digital activities rose to prominence. In 1994, the Citibank Hack was the first digital bank heist that was executed.



  • The world started witnessing the most common types of hacks – Denial of Service Attacks in the 2000s. Hackers dominated the major headlines of digital criminal activities.



  • Then came the time of the 2010s when hackers, as well as ethical hackers, rose to prominence. Companies feared the threat of security breaches as the world moved towards a digital age.



Role of an Ethical Hacker

As data is the most valuable resource for companies nowadays, they concentrate multiple resources on its security. Organizations take every possible measure to ensure that there are no security breaches. Every company has different needs; thus, an ethical hacking career can vary organization to organization with different niches. However, some responsibilities are universal in an ethical hacking career.


  • Securing the data of the organization
  • Report any vulnerabilities and help the organization take the required steps.
  • Update the software and hardware to make the data more secure.

What Do You Need to Become an Ethical Hacker?

If you want to become an ethical hacker, you should have a computational background and an in-depth knowledge of the basics of computer programming. If you do not possess this knowledge, you can sign up for a cybersecurity training certification online. It will help you to start from scratch. You can learn all about the basics of computer programming, operating systems, and network security; then move onto the advanced niches of data and cybersecurity. You can follow the steps given below to launch your ethical hacking career:


  1. Learn the basics of computers and operating systems.
  2. Learn the basics of network security. 
  3. Get a white hat hacker certification from a reputed source. 
  4. Always be on the lookout for the latest hacking news and technologies.

What Else to Learn

For web applications:


  • Get in-depth knowledge of PHP, HTML, ASP, and the like. 


For mobile applications: 

  • Learn Java and Swift, as most mobile apps use these languages. 


Note: Python is becoming popular these days, and it is good to have knowledge of the same.

Some Useful Tips

  • Learn tools like Nmap, Netsparker, Metasploit, and Burpsuite.


  • Understand the OS fundamentals


  • Enhance your skills with a cybersecurity ethical hacking certification.


  • Stay updated with the latest hacking news.
  • Think out of the box; most hackers remain a step ahead of ethical hackers.


  • Be quick; hackers are geniuses that can get the job done within seconds.




Anyone who has the required skills and the zeal to learn can hack. Today’s world is filled with resources; you need to find the ones that suit you, learn the basics, and polish your skills regularly. If you do not have a computer background, go for a certified ethical hacker course for beginners and then move onto the advanced level.


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