White Hat Hacker: The What, Why and How

Ethical or legal hacking is a defense technique in which a professional hacker, either a person or an employee of a corporation, seeks to get into a network to imitate the actions of a hostile cyber-attacker. 

A certified white-hat hacker is often referred to as an ethical hacker. They are generally computer security professionals specializing in various defense techniques, including pen testing, vulnerability scanning, and many other testing techniques. Ethical hacking is critical for detecting security flaws, including access points in a system, architecture, and online application. 

A white-hat hacker employs the same techniques as an evil hacker. The objective of a good hacker is to verify the protection of an organization’s computer platforms to boost security. 

Considering the significance of ethical hacking, particularly in the destruction that famous malicious hackers may do, there is growing interest in using ethical hackers to battle today’s cyber dangers. This article will share some detailed information about White Hat Hackers, like who are they? What is their job? And how to become one of them? 

Who are White Hat Hackers?

To know who white hat hackers are? first, you have to know how many types of hackers are there. 

There are mainly three types of hackers – White Hat Hackers, Black Hat Hackers, and Gray Hat Hackers. Among these three, only White Hat Hackers are good hackers. Who, albeit technically, utilize their ethical hacking training to harm your company. However, the true goal is to find security flaws in your network so that you can protect your company from harmful hackers.

White Hats are hired by businesses to pressure test their data systems. They do sophisticated malware inspections on systems, seek to penetrate computer networks via Black Hat techniques. These hackers sometimes even endeavor to dupe employees into following web addresses that result in malware attacks.

Due to these White Hat Hackers, major businesses experience minimal downtime and have lesser website difficulties. Most hackers understand that breaking into systems controlled by big corporations will be more complex than breaking into systems run by small enterprises, which are unlikely to have the capacity to investigate every potential security flaw.

As a result, every online business must ensure that it requires tremendous preventative steps, such as implementing superior anti-malware protection, spyware removal solutions, and firewall software defense. Customers must have confidence in the security of internet service providers’ details.

How to become a certified White Hat Hacker?

White hat hacking necessitates a high level of problem-solving and interaction abilities. An ethical programmer must also possess a combination of intelligence plus common sense.  Good hackers should have excellent technical and organizational skills, immaculate judgment, and the capacity to remain calm under pressure.

A legal hacker must also think like a malicious hacker, with negative aims, deceitful talents, and habits. Some of the best good hackers were previously black hat malicious hackers. Most of these people were who were arrested and opted to leave a criminal life back. After which they chose to use their abilities in a legal capacity for various reasons.

Certified Ethical hacking course

Even if an applicant lacks extensive hands-on expertise, then, in that case, several white hat hacking and security-related IT credentials can help them get a job. Obtaining the EC-Certified Council’s Ethical Hacker certification is a good starting point. CEH certification is a vendor-neutral certificate with an increasing requirement for CEH-certified workers.

System breaking, enumeration, social manipulation, SQL injection, worms,  Trojans, viruses, and many other types of threats. This includes loss of service in advance level of CEH certification. Students must also show that they are well-versed in cryptography, vulnerability scanning, honeypots, firewalls, and other related topics.

Certifications for White Hat Hacking

To become a professional white-hat hacker, you must consistently stay on the ethical path of hacking and never engage in illegal or unlawful hacking operations. The white hat hackers must constantly safeguard other people’s intellectual assets. Candidates must pledge to maintain the EC-code Council’s morals and never interact with illegal hackers or harmful actions as a component of the certification program. Mile2 offers an additional set of legal hacking certificates. 

  • Certified Professional Ethical Hacker
  • The primary Certified Vulnerability Assessor
  • Certified Penetration Testing Engineer
  • Certified Penetration Testing Consultant 

White Hat Hacker Job Scope

For becoming a white hat hacker specialist, you’ll almost certainly need to work as a data security engineer or a technical consultant first. What’s nice about these occupations is that popularity is increasing at a quicker rate than usual. Indeed, according to research, data security engineer employment will grow by 32percentage between 2020 to 2030. Moreover, there are alternative career responsibilities that you may follow that will lead you to be an ethical hacker. 

  • A penetration tester
  • An information security consultant 
  • Network security professionals 

are examples of these jobs. Aside from that, there is indeed a plethora of government IT positions available, notably in defense. The current military cyber operations section includes a lot of IT employment.

The administration also wants IT experts who can help them maintain and enhance their management system. This is due to previous events in which plans were compromised and the government’s adversaries growing more skilled.


So this was all about the White Hat Hackers. In a nutshell, we can say that White Hat Hackers are the legal hackers who use their expertise to safeguard crucial information from getting hacked. If anybody desires to become a White Hat Hacker, they can follow our article as we have mentioned some White Hat Hacker certification courses. 

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