A Simple Guide on IoT Security in 2020

As IoT security concerns continue to grow, it is crucial to understand in depth what IoT security is, what are the solutions for IoT security needs, and its future scope. This article provides a complete guide on IoT security.


Learning Of Blog


  1. What is IoT security?
  2. How to protect your IoT devices?
  3. Conclusion 


What is IoT security?


It is the technology area that is concerned with safeguarding connected devices and networks in the IoT. It includes both physical device security and network security and encompasses the processes, technologies, and necessary measures to protect IoT devices and the networks they’re connected to.


IoT device security protects not only the devices but also the data from the vulnerable security attacks such as communication attacks, device attacks, physical attacks, and other types of security attacks. But with the right IoT security measure, developers can deal with all kinds of vulnerabilities while deploying the security level that best matches their application needs. What one needs is a consistent way to establish and maintain security for all aspects of the IoT devices. But the major question that still stands ‘How’? 


Before we answer this question, check out our IoT online certification course to become an IoT Expert.


How To Protect Your IoT Devices?


When it comes to IoT, there are some common vulnerabilities in IoT devices. These include an insecure web interface, lack of proper authentication and encryption, inadequate network services, weak cloud interface, and more.


Now, let’s figure out how you can protect IoT devices from such vulnerabilities.


Firstly, Create a Separate Network


It is advisable to keep IoT devices connected to their own network and separate it from your main office network. This allows gadgets to connect to the internet but won’t have access to critical files. With the device access management tools, you can decide which devices to connect and to what for security concerns. These allow controlling which devices can access what kind of data and prevent it from unauthorized users.


Choose a Strong Password


To avoid vulnerabilities like hacking, use the difficult and unique passwords made up of special symbols and characters, numbers, and alphabets to secure wifi networks. You can also use a password manager to keep track of all your passwords.


Check The Default Setting Twice


As new IoT devices come with default privacy and security settings, so to safeguard the confidentiality, you should consider changing them. The default setting could benefit the manufacturer more than they help you, so you need to change the default configuration according to your own privacy preferences.


Keep Firmware Up To Date


To secure your devices against cyberattacks, be sure to download updates and apply them to your device to stay safe. As to protect against potential vulnerabilities, manufacturers are always releasing new patches, so it is advisable to check and install IoT firmware updates regularly.


Follow Two-Factor Authentication


Apart from setting strong passwords, using a two-way authentication will help you secure your IoT devices such as One-Time-Password(OTP) sent to your smartphone to keep the unauthorized people out.


Using a Layered Approach


Before following a layered approach, it is crucial to understand the security capabilities of your smart devices. You have to make sure that your endpoint devices, their communications (wired networks, wireless networks, and gateways), as well as their data and applications, are highly secured.


Read The Policies Carefully 


Generally, we ignore the privacy policies as they are too long but when it comes to downloading apps, be aware. Make sure that you read the privacy policy of the apps you use to see how they will be using your information and more as this will directly affect your IoT devices.


IoT and Cybersecurity


In today’s world, devices and networks are prone to cyberattacks and connect it first; secure it later’ won’t work. By making IoT an integral part of your cybersecurity program, and by conducting end-to-end cybersecurity risk assessments, you can keep your IoT devices secure.


Want to learn more about cybersecurity? Check out the best online network security certification courses here.


Plan Your IoT Networks 


Before creating an IoT network, always have a clear vision of what you are up to. Don’t follow an ad-hoc approach to connect more and more devices to the network. Know how to segment them and optimize them when needed.




Securing the IoT is one of the significant barriers to IoT reaching its full potential. To truly protect the billions of devices entering the field, security needs to be considered at the very beginning of device design. Protecting our IoT devices and assets requires careful analysis of IoT assets because if security is not considered upfront, enterprises, and users of IoT may later find deployments compromised, risking revenue, and even suffer from life-threatening problems.

The future of IoT will expose a new world of opportunities with new security risks and considerations. So, are you ready to protect your future from the world of IoT?


Check out the Global Tech Council for security engineer training and IoT certifications now.