Top Virtual And Augmented Reality Trends In 2019

Virtual reality and augmented reality, combined with artificial intelligence and automation are revolutionizing the lives of people in every possible way. Virtual reality presents an opportunity for humans a complete computerized digital world and augmented reality technology builds computer graphics which can be viewed in a normal environment. Both these technologies are now being used and adapted across industries for work as well as entertainment purpose. For instance, renowned online furniture selling business has adopted augmented reality which helps shoppers visualize how a particular piece of furniture or a decorative item will look like in their home space without having to actually buy or visit the store in person.

In today’s dynamic environment, augmented reality and virtual reality will soon turn out to be more sophisticated, creative and more powerful, hence developing enhanced quality visuals. With time, our surroundings and knowledge will evolve, leading to the creation of an effective method to interact collectively in the virtual space.

Below are the top key trends which are expected to be witnessed this year.

VR And AR Powered With Artificial Intelligence

Augmented reality and virtual reality developers may be seen adding smart and cognitive functionalities into applications. Artificial intelligence technology like computer vision (which lets a machine see things through lenses and understand them) will become an essential part of augmented reality operations to identify objects and label them which are present in the user’s visual field. All these features will be more capable and advanced by including machine learning algorithms.  Applications like Snapchat, Instagram use the combination of AR and AI technology. In the scientific domain, another notable feature is Google’s microscope, which is a machine learning enabled device. This microscope can look for and detect tissues which may be a cancerous growth.  In the gaming arena, gamers will now find it difficult to play and defeat their opponents as the technology will become smarter by adapting and reacting based on the user’s playing style.

Adaption Of AR and VR In Teaching And Training

Both technologies have better use cases in the education field. Virtual reality provides an opportunity for students to practice surgery the same way it is done in the real world, with more precision and less risk. Augmented reality makes it easy and possible to send information to students in real time pertaining to potential hazards, idea, objectives etc. Across industries, these technologies are being used to train their employees for different skills. In fact, soldiers in the US army are being trained using AR and VR technology. It helps soldiers and leaders to assess performance data like heart and beating rates and using it for further mission planning. AR and VR have been proven to drastically reduce cost and risk associated with training. Such benefits will ultimately lead to these technologies being adopted across verticals in every industry.

Consumer Entertainment

Virtual reality powered standalone headsets will soon be making headlines in the year 2019. There will be an infusion of simulations which are more accurate, powerful and realistic within the virtual space, attaining a new level of realism. Moving towards smartphones, headsets will be developed to enhance and improve the virtual experience by adding features like eyeball tracking, increased field-of-view. This will help users to explore and interact in a more natural way.

Enhanced collaboration in the AR and VR environment

Social giant Facebook anticipated virtual reality’s role in building an online environment. It helped people to interact, conduct meetings or simply relax and socialize. Spatial, one such pioneer of making use of augmented reality tools in office environment came with virtual pin boards and whiteboards. It has helped bring forth the opportunity to work on documents collaboratively, spread across real-world objects.

Augmented Reality Technology In The Automation Sector

Although autonomous cars will take a few more years to hit the road completely, meanwhile, automobile manufacturers have adopted artificial intelligence based applications already. AI-based technologies in vehicles are coming forth in the picture like in-car augmented reality and voice assistants. A notable company has designed a display dashboard which shows graphics from the camera to point out historic places, hazards along the route. Another company has come up with a way of showing augmented reality data directly on the windshield, offering instantaneous information like lane identification, route closures, and prompt navigation. In-car augmented reality focusses on giving better safety in the car. It focuses on driver’s convenience and comfort.

Augmented reality and virtual reality will play a pivotal role in technological advancements happening in this year. It is set to influence every sector, economy and change the way we live and interact.


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