How Hadoop Can Help Sales Experts?

You can’t simply go to people and ask them to buy your product. Most of the times, this gets brutal, rude, and uncanny responses.

Sales are not easy. It is, in fact, one of the hardest, most difficult job roles of the business. If you look at it, then most of your business depends on this team. If these people fail to sell your product or services, you fail as a business.

Hence, it is imperative to take care of this department and equip them correctly to handle changing market demands.

Fortunately, technology has made this easier than ever. Whenever your sales team needs to find a relevant audience to target their campaign, the right technology like Hadoop can help them. Let’s see how.

Big Data for Sales Team

Yes, yes, we all know big data is a humongous amount of data stored and collected by an organization. Needless to say, this data has extreme potential. It can give you information regarding your customers, their buying trends, their needs, requirements, industry, and customers’ past activities related to the industry.

Simply put, big data is everywhere. It can give you information on customer patterns, future trends, and current industry trends. Using this data, you can figure out which audience group to target, who is more interested, and which audience group to retain. This can help you build effective selling plans that have a higher probability of delivering results than guess-work.

With that being said, Hadoop is one of the most widely used big data platforms. For instance, Walmart has been using Hadoop for a long while now. They are customizing the user experience, modifying their websites, and optimizing user engagement.

Here’s how Hadoop can empower your sales representatives.

Hadoop for Sales Specialists

Easily Understand the Market

For sales people, analyzing the market condition is the toughest task. It is almost impossible to penetrate an exhausted market without spending too much time, money, and efforts. However, Hadoop can analyze the market trends and conditions for your sales team. Using this, you can quickly prepare a strategy to always stay ahead of your competitors.

Easily Understand the Target Audience

One of the major reasons for using Hadoop in sales is gaining the ability to understand the target audience. Your sales executives can dive into purchase patterns, demands, interests, needs, and requirements of the customers. This data can be used to create better campaigns that can target the relevant audience. Hadoop even helps the sales team to evaluate campaign performance.


Once you start using Hadoop for your sales team, you will see your sales grow, customer engagement increase, and brand value improve. With all these benefits, who wouldn’t want to use this super tool?


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