5 Common Chatbot Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

Chatbot marketing strategy is a completely different approach to marketing than the usual marketing strategies. It keeps improving and adding new feature making them better and easy to adopt. Chatbots were the biggest trend in the year gone as businesses jumped to join the craze and deploy chatbots across various platforms like Facebook, web chat, Slack, WeChat and other businesses, however, only a handful gained widespread adoption. It is because the adoption of chatbots require in-depth knowledge and there are many things to explore. Not just that, a lot of things are to be questioned and also avoided. Being a new technology, it’s yet to be up to the mark as most businesses would want them to be, hence it is easy to incur mistake while using Chabot as a marketing strategy.

More often than not, marketers lack a proper fitting chatbot marketing strategy. Therefore, they fail to drive the traffic or fail to convert people into users. The entire problems lie in the fact that in this highly competitive environment, a lack of proper strategy results in the downfall of the business. Let us understand a few common chatbot marketing mistakes that businesses should avoid in order to reap the benefits of this booming technology.

Not Clarifying That The Bot Is A Bot, Not Human

A chatbot is an application where one communicates with a robot. It is easily identified by professionals in the industry and experienced marketers. But for consumers, it is often unidentifiable. Messaging is a form of personalized communication, hence not communicating the same to the users is the biggest mistake. If marketers don’t clarify that it is a robot app, consumer expectation will increase and not being able to respond with a correct solution will ultimately harm the image of the business. It is always advisable to name it with “bot” or “assistant” which can actually convey that it’s a robot and not human, to set right expectations.

Not Performing Robust User Test Before Launching

With any technology, its greatness is not defined by its features but with its functionality. Any new product development, the first few iterations of the bot is likely to have bugs or UX issues. An error-free bot in the first go is a myth, especially when the technology is still in its nascent stage. Therefore, it is always advisable to invite existing users for a test performance of the bot and ask them for their honest feedback. This will not only improve customer’s bot experience but also strengthen the business’s image.

Don’t Spam

Messaging is extremely intimate and personalized. Users prefer it because it’s easy and saves the log-in time. Inserting bots onto these platforms should be thought very strategically because businesses might over exploit the interaction by overdoing sales promotion and offerings, which ultimately will lead the users to uninstall the app and also have it banned by reporting it as spam. Businesses should resist the temptation to send unsolicited messages.

Not Naming The Bot Uniquely

For users to recognize the bot, it is always advisable to name the bot, a name which is unique and easily identifiable. A name is the first thing a user notices apart from the logo and the picture which supports their decision if they want to try it or not. Also, a vague or very boring name will not attract users. Moreover, if the name is very generic, users may find it difficult to find it. A name should be easy to pronounce, and simple yet attractive enough to be read and understood, devoid of trademark issues which will land the business in trouble.

Simple Is sweet

Too many cooks spoil the broth. The same goes for leveraging chatbot technology into business. Focusing on a lot of things at one while marketing with a bot is the biggest mistake a business can make. A brand isn’t built in a day, baby steps take it towards success. The bot cannot learn everything at once. It is not necessary that it should cover your entire business at once but should cover small segments which actually are useful to the users. A beauty business uses chatbots to simply provide beauty tips to women, in a more subtle way, which turns users into potential users, very smartly.

In a highly dynamic and competitive environment, marketers and chatbot developers should be able to adjust to the surroundings and learn to be successful. Avoiding these minor mistakes might not make the business successful at once, but it will surely help to stay ahead of the curve. Baby steps are all businesses need.

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