5 Popular Trends of Virtual, Augmented, And Mixed Reality In 2022

People have been dreaming and writing science fiction about the convergence of the virtual and physical world for decades. And although some Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies are circulating in the market, they are yet to find mainstream attention. However, things are changing ever since Facebook rebranded to Meta and embraced the Metaverse. But, Meta is not the only company discovering the full potential of VR and AR technologies. Thanks to Mixed Reality experts, numerous other corporations are combining them with AI to develop innovative trends.

Mixed Reality, VR, and AR

In simple words, Virtual Reality is a digitally simulated environment that may or may not be similar to the real world. Users wear a VR headset to experience the fully-immersive 3-D space. On the other hand, Augmented Reality enhances our physical-world experiences by computer-generated images or holograms. After completing AR certification courses, developers can overlay digital images over real objects. Similarly, virtual reality certification also enable them.

Combine AR and VR, and you end up with Mixed Reality (MR). Notably, Mixed Reality experts compositely refer to them as Extended Reality (XR).

With the onset of the pandemic, our daily activities have become highly digitized. Granted that both the techniques work in separate ways, they still affect our interface with the virtual world. Interests in tech have also sparked up among millennials and Gen-Z. Consequently, VR and Augmented Reality courses saw an increase in enrollment numbers. It has also led to the following thriving trends that will mold our 2022 and upcoming years:

Extended Reality and 5G

Although the unfurling of 5G is quickening, it is not yet a mainstream proposition. However, 2022 might be the year when 5G becomes omnipresent in people’s lives. As per the data, the fifth generation of mobile networks is 20 times quicker than the current ones. However, it has not unfolded its full potential yet.

Besides swift intelligent transfers and different services, 5G will include large data volumes required to run Extended Reality. Also, Mixed Reality experts suggest that it will enable wireless and cloud-based VR and AR services, which are a structural necessity. 

New startups, for example, Plutosphere, offer services that enable gamers to participate in VR games without expensive equipment PCs. Additionally, it has eliminated the need to visit overpriced gaming centers as users can stream them at homes.

The gaming sector is a testing ground for VR concepts. However, we can expect it to infuse with other industries such as education, healthcare, and architecture. Virtual reality certifications will pave the way for developers to fabricate a life-like Mixed Reality.

Mixed Reality in Retail

Mixed reality will revolutionize retail stores. And yes, that is an understatement. To begin with, VR can make online shopping more engaging. For instance, customers can visit e-commerce stores, and their avatars can try on clothing and jewelry.

Moreover, if stores use AR to install virtual mirrors, buyers can experiment with multiple outfits at once without touching any clothes. With the help of market research and AR certification, designers have created an AR technology through which purchasers can access the product’s information and reviews that are available only online.

Evolution of Hardware and Headsets in MR

Undoubtedly, the hardware we need to access VR needs to be portable as we would strap the devices to our heads. Further, they should be small and lightweight to ensure a pleasant and comfortable experience.

Mojo Vision, a California-based startup, has taken things a notch further. It has illustrated the prospects of AR contact lenses that convey information directly onto the retina. Thus, Mixed Reality experts consider it a giant leap towards Extended Reality.

Hardware is also developing; for example, the HHTC Vive Pro Eye headset has cracked eyeball movements and control interfaces. This technology displays only the parts in high resolution, which are necessary. Hence, the headset consumes less power.

Mixed Reality and XR in Education

The Extended Reality is thriving to provide more captivating education techniques for students. To begin with, education, including training for adults, has migrated to virtual classrooms and distance learning. Although the pandemic fueled remote education, it is not a new trend. But today, we certainly have new and better technologies.

Thanks to VR, learners, especially adults, can incorporate training into their busy lifestyles. VR and AR technologies assist students in visualizing concepts straightforwardly. In addition to understanding quantum physics quickly, they also take a keen interest in historical events and numbers. Furthermore, increasing use of such equipment has inspired scores of students to undertake Augmented Reality courses and complete Virtual Reality certifications. 

Apart from brightening textbook knowledge, XR is helpful in training people for situations that can be dangerous otherwise, firefighting, for example. 

WebXR and the Metaverse

Perhaps the most popular trend of all, Metaverse is now on a roll. Also known as Web3.0, it is a concept that embodies AR, VR, and Artificial Intelligence. Although the Metaverse does not entirely exist in Extended Reality, it does offer an experimental but immersive space for Mixed Reality experts. 

As of now, we can only predict what the Metaverse will be. But if designers succeed in executing what they have planned, it will play a significant part in our technological lives. Besides a thoroughly engaging 3-D space, we’d have control of our digital avatars. These concepts fit the VR and AR technology perfectly. 

The blending of physical and digital worlds into the “Phygital World” is an extension of Mixed Reality. 


Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are contributing to the creation of Mixed Reality, otherwise known as Extended Reality (XR). Although the concept’s development is not complete yet, and not extremely popular, it is gaining mainstream interest. Eventually, we will be able to harness the full potential of these technologies in 5G, education, and other industries. Moreover, it will change the technological landscape by introducing new hardware equipment. AR and VR are the future of digitalization with a ton of job opportunities. You can learn about them online in AR certification courses. 
Please visit GLOBAL TECH COUNCIL to read more about AR and VR and their future.