Best Tech Careers of 2021: The Most Competitive Jobs

The world of jobs is changing real quick, so do the career options. The job roles which were the most popular and the career path which offered guaranteed employment in the 90s are outdated and almost saturated now. No new job post or increase is there in the careers; many jobs have already disappeared. The outspread technology and our fast-changing world is the leading cause of these careers to disappear. This new technological era demands new skills, new job roles, and new growing career paths. Technology cuts some job roles and hurts some career paths, making many new-age career paths, which will be very advantageous for students to get into a good job role.

Futuristic Tech Jobs for 2021:

Here we will discuss the best tech career in 2021 in brief. These new-age careers are based on new-age technologies, which will make one new-age job-ready, and by adequately acquiring the skills, one can easily land oneself in a high-paying job. These jobs are also growing, and because of their benefits, they will stay in demand for the near future.

1. Artificial Intelligence Engineer: 

This career is one of the most popular and in-demand careers as of 2021. The median pay for this job is $146085, and the projected growth of this career is 344%. This considerable salary and this significant projected increase is attacking many students. Many people get into the certification course of artificial intelligence, and skilled people get into the job post of artificial intelligence expert. This job role also needs proper knowledge of artificial intelligence and machine learning, so doing the courses on these subjects will give a better opportunity to the job seekers.

2. Data Scientist: 

Data is the most important thing as per this present time. Every day a massive amount of data is getting ready, and they need to utilize the data for multiple items. The data scientist does this work; they process and make valuable insights out of the data. This job role is in great demand, and it is also a high-paying and futuristic job. Many people are getting into this data scientist-certified course, but the data scientist posts of the top organizations are still void. Because of this, people who can acquire data scientist skills properly can land themselves in an excellent, high-paying job role.

To achieve this, one has to enroll in a skill-oriented data science course and develop practical and real-life problem-solving skills. The median pay of this job role is $100560, and the projected growth of the career by experts is 15%. This tech career will be staying in demand for the near future, without a doubt.

3. Information Security Analyst: 

With a projected growth of 31% by eh experts, it is a growing tech career. Technology-based things always pose a security threat and can be vulnerable to malware and other viruses. The job of an Information Security Analyst is to design, implement and deploy a proper security system to protect the security of the organization from malicious attacks of outsiders or malware. This is a critical job role for every organization to keep their work secure and safe because these organizations pay a huge salary to the information security analyst. And as we all know, this pandemic forces every organization to go online; the scope and vacancy of this job role are growing day by day. This tech job will be increasing as more organizations will come online. The median pay for this job role is $99370.

4. Robotics Engineer: 

The fact that robots are taking away jobs from humans is actual, but robots will keep taking away many jobs from humans. There are many fields where robots are more efficient and cost-reducing; robotics are in huge demand. In the healthcare system, robotics is a great option and can contribute immensely. Robotics engineer is a growing tech job, and this job role needs to analyze, reevaluate, configure, test, and maintain different robotics components. This year, many colleges and universities have already introduced robotics as a subject, and many online professional courses are already in bloom. So robotic engineering is a great career path to take.

5. Cloud Engineer: 

This tech career is also a great choice. The usage of the cloud is increasing every day. Because of synchronization, security, ease of usage, colossal storage, remote work, and multiple user advantage is given by cloud. Because of its excellent functionality, more and more organizations are using the cloud as their secure data storage. Organizations need a person who can effectively organize their data in cloud storage, migrate any necessary process as required, and properly perform various cloud-related tasks. A skilled cloud engineer can do these works. People can choose this tech career to get an excellent job in demand in the future.


Nowadays, many careers and courses are available, but everyone needs to choose the career path correctly. This is one of the most important decisions of life, a career that will be staying in demand even in the future will give job security. So choosing a futuristic tech job is the need of the hour. All the discussed jobs are futuristic, in-demand, tech-related, and high-paying job roles. So selecting these careers will be beneficial for everyone.